Beiträge von sniktaw

    Raspberry PI Zero W, WS2812B LEDs, ENC28J60 Ethernet/SPI, Level Shifter, Hyperion 2.0.0-alpha.9

    Happy with my setup with one exception, the PI Zero W refuses to connect to WiFi when collocated with the TV however it does connect when on the workbench.

    So, in an effort to get access to the Hyperion web interface (when collocated with the TV) I've added an ENC28J60 Ethernet/SPI. I can now connect to the PI and access the Hyperion web interface with it however, as soon as I connect the ethernet cable to it the LEDs stop changing, they lock up for want of a better phrase. Removing the cable doesn't unlock them.

    Whilst locked up I can use the web interface and see live images on the visualiser.

    I have to remove the ethernet cable and reboot the PI for the LEDs to work correctly again.

    My wiring is shown below. Any thoughts on why this is happening? As an aside, do I need to join the PSU and PI grounds?

    Thanks in adavnce!