Beiträge von humdinger

    i would try this settings for your grabber:
    720 × 576on a pixel decimation of 2

    I don't use a USB grabber, I only use the RPi to play back media (from DVD/HD/online). I don't find a setting for resolution for "Platform Capture", which I learned this is called.
    Did I miss something, or did you? :)


    Where exactly is my config saved?
    The Doc's page says it "defaults to your home directory", but I can't find anything in ~/.
    hyperiond --help says it "defaults to home directory of current user (/home/pi/.hyperion)", but in there is only a "custom-effects" and "db" folder.
    I assume it's not ~/.hyperion/db/hyperion.db you need?

    Sorry, I'm still an NG noob...

    "Platform". I had a suspicion that you were talking aboout USB capture as I didn't find a "scaling factor" in the settings...
    Thanks anyway for playing. :)

    Can anyone doing Platform Capture confirm 55% 1-core usage is high but normal?
    Or maybe even have configuration tip to lower resources?
    I suppose it's no biggy, as 55% of one core should leave enough oomph for the little pi guy to do its work, but I'm all for saving energy when possible.

    I have to admit, I never touched those parts and just now found them in the web config (Capture Hardware | Platform Capture).
    The defaults there seem to be much lower than what you suggested:

    [INDENT]Width: 80px
    Height: 45px
    Capture frequency: 10Hz
    Crop left/right/top/bottom: 0px
    Are those the settings I should tweak as suggested?

    Hi there!

    I recently installed Raspberry Pi OS + Kodi 18.7 + HyperionNG from scratch on a RPi3+, having happily used the old hyperion for about 2 years.
    I start hyperiond from a script I call from ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart. It all works quite well, even my tiny Kodi add-on to toggle the LEDs on/off and the CEC power-on/off-toggler.

    I haven't looked at the CPU usage of the old hyperion, but for the NG it seems a bit high: "top" reports about 55% usage of one core. Is this normal?
