Beiträge von Jason3

    Okay, I am finally going to ask a few questions rather than spending more time looking over the internet and the forum. I simply do not know what I do not know.


    My LEDs either remain off but occasionally turn white. I have tried WS2812B LEDs on PWM and SK9822 on SPI. Effects inside of Hyperion do not change the LEDs. I am inexperienced with Pi, Hyperion, and electronics. I would relish some help to get this working.

    Story Time:

    I set up a test situation to see if I could get this to work. The setup is a Pi 4, a 20 amp 5v power supply powering, a WS2812B LED strip (cut down to 85 lights), and a “Mirabox USB3.0 4K HDMI Video Capture Card.” In the test setup, I have kept the power for the lights and the Pi separate (I would integrate with the final product). The LEDs are powered from the power supply, the data was connected to GPIO 18, and I sharded a ground between the Pi and the power supply (connected to the ‘N’ on the power supply). Capture card connected to Roku and Pi on USB 3 port.

    In Hyperion, the LED hardware was set to PWM and the Capturing hardware was set to USB and fully automatic for the other settings. The LED count was set to 85. LED Layout was also configured.

    When powered on, the live video feed was inconsistent in showing a video. The Hyperion interface said the LEDs were changing color when it did show video, but nothing was happening on the LEDs. I got the LEDs to turn to bright white in various testing, but they never showed another color. Even effects were not registering.

    I changed GPIO pins, tried wireless options I had, and even resoldered the power and data line to the other end of the LED strip, reconnected, and no light at all. I purchased a different and powered capture card, and while the live feed is slightly more consistent, it still does not light up the LEDs, and of course, the effects are not lighting up the LEDs.

    I figuring something is up with the LEDs, and I changed to an SPI option. First, enable it in the Pi, then connecting an SK9822 LED strip, taking the DI to GPIO 10 and the CI to GPIO 11, changing the Hyperion config to reflect these lights and no light at all. These lights will not turn on at all. The WS2812B would at least turn to white occasionally.

    Now I have hooked up a multimeter to the power supply, 4.94 volts, and checked the level in various spots on each light setup. The voltage is consistently between 4.91 and 4.94 throughout.

    Even the Hyperion website's effects are not changing the LEDs, so I think the issue is either the LEDs or I messed up the config rather well. I tried a fresh OS install on the Pi too. However, having tried different LEDs and moving from PWM to SPI, nothing has presented as the problem. So what is next? Any ideas on configurations I missed, should change, or ideas on what to test next?

    I really appreciate any help you can provide.

    - Jason