Beiträge von Nicholas Vasquez

    Quick update. I havent forgotten about this. I’m just having trouble figuring out how to get some files onto a headless pi, and playing them. As I said I’m super new to cli, and YouTube-dl isn’t downloading anything. I tried installing kodi, but Hyperion isn’t picking up data to output.

    edit: when I tried to install libcec4, it said the current version is already installed.


    I finally got everything all set up, and everything connected. I have a RPi 4, and an esp8266 device running WLED and WS2812b leds.
    I have used 2 different usb capture devices and I have noticed that the live view that Hyperion is seeing have strange color issues. Like blue looking green, and red looking blue.

    This contributes to the led output being wrong. Only once did I manage to get a good color palette from one of the devices.

    Does anyone know how to fix this? Or what is causing the issue?

    Any help is appreciated..