Beiträge von garethsnaim

    Hi folks

    Very interested in this set up. However as you can see from my picture here, its not practical to run this around the tv as its inset into sound panels. However I have 10 metres circa of strip lights around the outer edge currently showing orange

    I would like to run the software/hardware right around the edge replacing the current strips with addressable ones.. To my thinking because of powering the strips I woulld be better with two strips at around 4-5 metres each starting at the top centre and going one left and one right to create the effect.

    So my question is can I do this with Hyperion, essentially run two strips as one system?

    My second question is this would probably be off a raspberry pi 4, I understand we use on pin to communicate with the strip, in my configursation I would need two pins presumably to communicate, again would this be doable?

    If both of those options are not possible, is there any way for me to achieve this?

    One other point of confusion, on the current strips is a power supply each, 12v at 3a. But running the calculations and advice from various line, I would need like 10a to run this length. Do addressable use terrifically more power than standard strips?

    Thanks for your help.