Hi, I found this project because I was originally just looking at the bias lighting kits on amazon but wondered if there was a way to DIY Ambilight style lighting, I'm happy to find that there is!
I have bought a HDMI loop which another user has stated works in another thread on here, a lot of the tutorials refer to the 3 pin WS2812B but I've read that these are not the best option if you are planning to utilise the GPIO or SPI pins on the Rpi due to timing issues.
I'm struggling to find any of the other recommended LEDs for a reasonable price in the UK, I would rather do it right first time, but not if it involves twice the cost.
Another issue is that the 3pin corner connectors don't seem to be very readily available and/or are unreliable, I would rather not mess around soldering the corners if I can avoid it.