Beiträge von jim788e

    I bought led strip WS2812b with 60Leds/m and 18W/m . Total led from my setup is 266

    Conected with hyperion i measured in RED 2.8A and the same is in "white". if i i step down the Baudrate work only as white in full power with consuption up to 7A

    i think hyperion with spi settings create a pulse signal and the leds is not always on but the eye not able to see the flickering.

    thats for never ledstrip reaches the max consuption.

    is there anyway to push the ledstrip to higher brightnees.

    i come back with photos.

    edit 1

    i test my ledstrip with Wemos d1 mini and WLED binary and i put upper limit 9 Amperes and ledstrip work flawless.

    thats for my opinion is the hyperion keep the current low.

    is anyone who knows how to get more brightness ?

    Thank you

    Edit 2

    My setup is hyperionNG on Rpi zero W and ledstrip conected in Wemos D1 mini with Wled project and i set max power 7A(in white)

    In hyperion LED config i set udpraw in Wemos IP and port

    Next i set RED color and with Hyperion work on 2.8A and if i set Red direct in Wled webGUI current is 5.2(checked with ammeter)

    Edit 3

    there is no problem i set full brightness and now Hyperion drive the Wled in full power. awesome