Beiträge von nsmithson2010

    Hi Everyone

    Firstly, thanks in advance for any help received, i'm a first timer here but have been following Hyperion and the Ambilight projects for years. Finally I planned and delivered and so far i'm incredibly happy with my home made Ambilight solution. I have a few issues i've been working through but right now i'm looking for some guidance on how to accomodate the solderless corners i've used for my LED's into Hyperion so the light matches perfectly with what is on screen.

    For some context, i'm using a Pi3 running Hyperbian (latest release) outputting to WS2812b LED's (60 LED's p/m)

    I have in use 3 solderless corners which essentially take up the equivalent of 2 LED's on the strip (from the contacts at the joint to the point it turns).

    In my hyperion config I've correctly configured the LED numbers up to the solderless corners for each side but i'm finding that on some screens the lights don't quite align as essentially there are 4 LED's of space (2 on either end of the strip) that are knocking out the alignment.

    Does anyone have any advise on what settings I can change here to accommodate this?

    Below is my current settings