Beiträge von Jenematlia

    Just testing out my set up with only 3 leds powered by the raspberry pi 4. Lights work great when syncing with HyperHDR but they flicker randomly at full white brightness. USB Capture card is powered separately but I also tried to use power from raspberry pi and that didn't fix it. This is the capture card I'm using.
    Saw this same capture card causing problems in another thread but I haven't been able to deduce what the problem is with my setup. I'm only using 3 LEDs right now because I'm waiting on a proper power supply and powering it through the pi. I'm using SK6812 LEDs

    Also I might add is that it is flickering without input from the capture card too so I'm guessing it's a ground issue. I have the LEDs in GPIO 10 and the ground directly above it and I'm powering it with 5v power pin 4