Beiträge von junglejuz


    Hyperion is not turning off LEDs when I turn off my HDMI device (Nvidia Shield TV). The LEDs switch to some kind of static rainbow test pattern. I can't find a way to turn it off without physically unplugging the Pi.

    SK6812 strip

    233 LEDs

    Hyperion 2.0.0-alpha.10.1

    Pi 3

    HDMI capture card

    LED strip data wire is connected to GPIO10 on the Pi.

    Selected SK6812spi controller type, with 0.0 (/dev/spidev0.0) as the SPI device. Baud rate is 4000000.

    All effects are turned off.

    Signal Detection is enabled under "USB Capture".

    Anyone able to help?

    - Junglejuz