Beiträge von TribleG

    Da wir hier bei "Hyperion für Dummies" sind eine Frage für ganz dumme. Wie viel Hardware (Splitter, Grabber, LEDs, etc.) muss angeschlossen sein, damit ich auf die Webconfig zugreifen kann? Oder funktioniert das schon bei einem "nackten" Pi?

    Paulchen-Panther edit: Normale Schriftgröße reicht hier vollkommen im Board.

    Hey dear all, I'm currently setting up my first ambilight. I tried it with the latest raspberry pi os, with an older version (jessie) and now with and I always encounter the problem, that I can SSH on the pi but can't connect to the webinterface. It always tells me that the ip address refused the connection. I tried it with an without the ports 8090 and 8091, but the result was the same.

    Hyperbian also tells me that the Hyperion status is "stopped".

    Currently the pi is connected to the video grabber but not to the LEDs.
    Could anything of the two points above cause the problem?

    thank you in advance, I tried to figure it out by reading documentation and other forum posts but I'm currently stuck. :(