Beiträge von Wim

    From what I can glean from the screenshot (sadly I only speak/read two languages, English and Bad English) That message is just a warning to let you know that the available memory is low. . just a warning nothing more. .. that is if I gleaned the screenshot correctly...

    Yes, but it says that there can be stability issues and I also encountered that I ran out of memory earlier today.
    But, let's assume this is not the issue here.

    1. Usb cable from pi to arduino
    2. Usb cable other end, entering arduino. 2 jumpers going to led, 1 on pin6 , 1 on gnd.
    3. connection between jumper wire and (female?) connector
    4. female/male connector connected, led strip. 2 other ends of led strip going to power supply
    5. connection to power supply

    Every connection checked.

    hmmm. .. Maybe. . I know of a few Dev. arduino wifi boards that do work, However, I not not recall reading about uno wifi boards working in the thread where I learning the basics of Hyperion / wifi / arduino. Perhaps I missed it. The thread I read this is here (…n-wifi-led-controller-udp ) My German language skills are . . .well . sadly non existent, so I used Google to translate. That thread is a bit daunting at 27 pages of info, however if your goal is to do hyperion over wifi Its a must read!!
    Thanks! My German is okay. Will post back about it later.

    Got pic's of how you are wiring it up?
    maybe ws2813 led are more sensitive and need a level shifter driver them?
    I never had to mess with any code to fix flickering leds... well besides the baudrate that is..
    Any flickering I had was a result of sub par wiring or solder joint. Or not all ground wires are connected as one.

    Will post pics later. Thanks for helping again.

    I still haven't figured this out (…-ws2801-ws2812b-apa102.8/:(
    - In some cases it might be needed to increase the serial buffer size in the Arduino program files , if you experience any issues later on like flickering or non-responsive leds follow these steps:

    The flashes occur with all colors, but not when light are "black".

    Just something I noticed:

    Is it a coincidence that baudrate of the arduino is 115200? I had to set the baudrate of the pi higher.than that. Maybe that's the problem?

    And I'm running into these warnings about memory. I can't figure out how to fix this:


    I've got problems with leds flashing as described here:…-ws2801-ws2812b-apa102.8/

    "- In some cases it might be needed to increase the serial buffer size in the Arduino program files , if you experience any issues later on like flickering or non-responsive leds follow these steps:"

    But this is not applicable for arduino 1.8.3 anymore and I have a hard time finding out what IS the correct way now.
    Tried changing it in HardwareSerial.cpp, USBAPI.h and added it in the sketch. No results.
    Maybe it has a different cause??

    Any help appreciated.


    Now, later today I'm going to set the correct numbers of leds per side etc.


    I've got the pi and the arduino connected via usb-cable.
    Is it possible to connect via wifi? (that's the reason I bought a arduino uni wifi).


    As expected, Kodi addon not working. Also in logs, same:

    23:09:03.429 T:10208 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
    Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
    Error Contents: No module named google.protobuf
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "D:\Prive\Kodi\Kodi 17\addons\hyperion.kodi-master\", line 36, in <module>
    from state import DisconnectedState
    File "D:\Prive\Kodi\Kodi 17\addons\hyperion.kodi-master\resources\lib\", line 5, in <module>
    from hyperion.Hyperion import Hyperion
    File "D:\Prive\Kodi\Kodi 17\addons\hyperion.kodi-master\resources\lib\hyperion\", line 28, in <module>
    from message_pb2 import HyperionRequest
    File "D:\Prive\Kodi\Kodi 17\addons\hyperion.kodi-master\resources\lib\hyperion\", line 6, in <module>
    from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
    ImportError: No module named google.protobuf
    -->End of Python script error report<--

    Now WIP.

    Uploaded this change to the arduino, all good.

    I never used a Uno. so not %100 sure.

    A quick read from here (…ted-with-arduino-uno-wifi ) leads me to believe that you are perhaps running a full desktop on the RPi and have the Arduino IDE on the RPi as well. this looks like its loading some sort of WIFI passthru to emulate the Arduino on a port via WIFI.. . I Think. . .

    May be, if you have a spare SD card start a fresh install of raspian OS with no desktop (desktop not needed if just running Hyperion.) and just Hyperion. No Arduino IDE or anything but Hyperion. It may help to really start from scratch.

    I'm working both with putty and VNC viewer (to get a graphical interface) on the pi.
    I don't have arduino IDE on the pi, only on windows. On the arduino I selected the Uno Wifi version as a board.

    I don't think this is the problem, but yes I've got one.
    I do believe the pi is doing a good job, the info is just not getting through to the arduino and/or the leds.

    Thanks for that link. I can connect arduino to my network and upload sketches via wifi. That's great.
    Also I needed to protect arduino, to be safe.
    And there's a debug log, maybe that could be helpful too.

    Edited and uploaded this sketch to the arduino.
    [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Seems to be in /boot/cmdline.txt[/COLOR]
    rather than /flash/config.txt
    standard is 115200
    It seems tricky for me to do, reading some websites. Hoping it's not necessary at all.

    No, I think it's in /boot/config.txt not in /boot/cmdline.txt and I will do that.

    Is this okay (in same file)?
    # activate ambilight module
    I really don't know what it means, but I'm not using spi (4 cable led)?????

    It must be ttyACM0. But this leds aren't responding correct. Which other parameter?????

    What i don't understand too is:

    can be caused by loose connections or very log data wires picking up interference. Or missing a common ground connection are the most common causes.

    When I connect GND from Arduino to GND on led, leds go on and go out after maybe 10 seconds en than stay off until I unplug. Than same again.
    And when I just mininally unplug the GND on the arduino and "tab" with the jumper on the contact again, color of the leds change every time.

    I read that the 2813 has resistor and capacitator build in (so I don't use a resistor). The 10 seconds light and than off again, makes me think of a capacitator.

    Yep. if that was the arduino you are pluging and unpluging in to your RPi then ttyUSB0 is correct.

    Yes it was me unplugging and plugging in again the arduino in the pi.

    I think our messages just crossed, I think you'll agree with me in post #32.

    But you helped me anyway, because
    ls /dev/tty* gave me all the possibilities
    and udevadm info -n /dev/ttyACM0, gave me:

    P: /devices/platform/soc/3f980000.usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2:1.0/tty/ttyACM0
    N: ttyACM0
    S: serial/by-id/usb-Arduino_srl__www.arduino.org__Arduino_UNO_WiFi_556323138383517121F0-if00
    S: serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.2:1.0
    E: DEVLINKS=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Arduino_srl__www.arduino.org__Arduino_UNO_WiFi_556323138383517121F0-if00 /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.2:1.0
    E: DEVNAME=/dev/ttyACM0
    E: DEVPATH=/devices/platform/soc/3f980000.usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2:1.0/tty/ttyACM0
    E: ID_BUS=usb
    E: ID_MODEL=Arduino_UNO_WiFi
    E: ID_MODEL_ENC=Arduino\x20UNO\x20WiFi\x20\x20
    E: ID_MODEL_ID=0057
    E: ID_PATH=platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.2:1.0
    E: ID_PATH_TAG=platform-3f980000_usb-usb-0_1_2_1_0
    E: ID_REVISION=0001
    E: ID_SERIAL=Arduino_srl__www.arduino.org__Arduino_UNO_WiFi_556323138383517121F0
    E: ID_SERIAL_SHORT=556323138383517121F0
    E: ID_TYPE=generic
    E: ID_USB_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE=Communications
    E: ID_USB_DRIVER=cdc_acm
    E: ID_USB_INTERFACES=:020201:0a0000:
    E: ID_VENDOR=Arduino_srl__www.arduino.org_
    E: ID_VENDOR_ENC=Arduino\x20srl\x20\\x29
    E: ID_VENDOR_ID=2a03
    E: MAJOR=166
    E: MINOR=0
    E: SUBSYSTEM=tty
    E: TAGS=:systemd:
    E: USEC_INITIALIZED=805848136

    So it is ttyACM0, like I suspected before.