Beiträge von dingsaeh

    Hey everyone,

    yesterday, I finally started my hyperion project. First, i had some issues with the newest Version of (the LEDs did not turn on). Thats why I wanted to try an older version and 2.0.0-alpha.10 turned out to work, but I installed it on LibreElec because I have not found another way to install an older version.

    Now, everything works just fine until the brightness gets to dark/the LEDs should be “black“. The LEDs just start to flicker, no matter I am using a grabber or just the “Effects Configurator“. Once I turn on Backlight threshold at ~35% the flickering is gone (but thats not an option for me, because I think it looks way better when the LEDs are turned off in dark sequences). I have already tried to connect one/two ground wires to the Pi and I adjusted some settings on the web interface. Does somebody has any idea?

    Here is a video of the effect “Collision“ on the Effects Configurator:

    My Hardware:

    Raspberry Pi 4B


    5V 10A PU