Beiträge von seijidayo

    Love the software, However I am having trouble restoring configuration

    Heres a step by step of what I did

    I was wanting to update my version of Hyperion from 2.0.0-Alpha10 to the newest version, I think it's 2.0.12. I backed up my configuration in General, Import/Export, and downloaded my .json config file. I then proceeded to go to the update button, clicked it and noticed it did nothing. I google searched briefly and found that most people just reinstall from scratch, so I proceeded to do so.

    I reimaged my Raspberry pi 3 with Raspberry PI OS lite, and installed hyperbian the same way I installed previously, went to the webUI; everything seems good. I wanted to import my configuration from before so I went to general, Import, selected the file and clicked yes.

    This is where things are funky. The webUI redirects me to a page saying its uploading the configuration, and I let this run all night, just in case it needed more time, but I believe the import function just crashed the UI. The Pi never goes offline, I can ping it the whole time, and if I run "top" on the PI, hyperion is running. if i stop and start Hyperion on the pi, it will bring the UI back up, but none of the configuration has changed.

    Not sure if this is a bug or not