Beiträge von Wolvy

    Dear all,

    I have bought some led connector... 10mm for my WS2801 IC led strip... then I realized my connectors were too short... Of course they were 10mm long.. .but.... Plastic part included...

    So do you have any advice ? links where I can find connectors for my 10 mm led strip ?

    As I would like to change my led and take Apa102 .. it seems that I need 12mm... is it possible ?

    Do you have any experience like that ?

    Dear all,

    Here's my issue :

    When I try to calibrate my WS2801 IC full Color 5050 RGB LED Strip, as soon as I work on Gamma Balance, It's too green... and it seems I have to push too far on the green channel... Such as 3,53 on Green Gamma ...

    Howsoever, if I switch from a picture to another (I use the pictures pack for calibrating from Hyperion).. The grey colors aren't always the same... weird isn't it ?

    I am using a Raspberry Pi3
    A power supply 5v DC 20 amp
    all seems to work perfectly, excepted the greenish colors on grey balance

    If someone could help me ? Or give me some clues to find out how to fix that ?

    Many thanks in advance