Beiträge von fpaz

    I think I figure it out. I was testing disabling some all the LEDs and turned only 1 and notice that it still lit 3 leds on the strip. So I divided the total number of LEDs by 3 and boom it just worked!. Dunno if its the software config or the ws2811 strips but i'm glad it worked.

    Thanks for all your suggestions!

    if yes,

    divide the ledcount by 3, so 93 is 31, 57 is 19

    Yes, I think we posted the reply at the same time! Thanks again!

    Thanks for pointing that out, I have 60/m and now adjusted the correct led count as I view the screen with the orientation. I think my mistake was I mounted the led first as I wanted a cleaner implementation with hidden wires on the leg of the tv.

    The TV picture looks like that your first LED is more top left rather than bottom left (as in your layout).
    Check if your changing your input position moves the color areas...

    I did try moving the starting point and it did shifted the colours but still not aligning.

    Here is the result:

    how many hours each day do you watch TV and keep your Ambilight-LEDs running?

    with the ambi-light maybe around 1hr on weekdays and occasionally 3 hrs on the weekends.

    Hi Timmy, i’m from Australia. I have an hdmi 4x2 switch and will be using the ambi light on my apple tv and xbox one series x. Most of the time watching netflix and disney+. My current tv which hyperion is setup for is my Hisense 75”.

    Hi, just finished setting up my first ambilight on my tv. Everything looks find and rgb byte order is correctly configured. However, the led layout mapping doesn’t seem to work correctly. Any ideas where I got it all wrong?