Beiträge von OH23

    I'll just make a clean install of the latest Debian "Bullseye" ( as i need the desktop feature ) and the latest Kodi ver and will try to make it work.
    may be i missed something.

    will check back with the results and/or with questions.

    Thank you again for your time and efforts Lightning-guy77.

    saw your new reply only now.
    I must run this setup on RPi since the whole thing is boxed in a very small case ( its an acrylic display for a product ) and i dont have room for a windows based pc plus i bought the rpi 4 when it was around 75$.
    so Rpi based system is best for my purposes atm if i can get that thing to work :)

    Thank you for the quick reply.
    I Understand and it makes sense now.
    I did try to use the internal grabber ( Dispmanx ) and couldn't make it work with Kodi 19.*
    Am I missing something ? the only thing is I can't downgrade to Kodi "Leia" since the only Scheduler addon for Kodi is for the 19.* ver
    ( python 3 and not python 2 ).

    Here is the addon I must use ( unless anyone know a scheduler addon for Kodi 18.* )
    Heckie75/kodi-addon-timers: Powerful timers for KODI

    Basically I need that kodi will play the media file in certain hours automatically:

    lets say 10am then 2pm and so on.
    I did a really extensive search and couldn't find any addon for a ver 18.* Kodi. if anyone knows any I'd be thrilled as it will solve me my problem and I would be able to stick with the Hyperion Internal Grabber and Kodi 18.* .

    Hey Guys,

    I'm using my RPi 4 ( 8GB )as a media player to a small 7" touch screen ( with 30 SK6812 LEDs on the back frame ) for a product presentation.
    I'm using a simple h264 1080p video file that play on loop with Kodi Matrix
    I have a simple USB Capture card
    and a simple HDMI splitter since I cant use the internal Hyperion Grabber ( from my understanding its not supported both in bullseye os and Kodi 19.* ) so I'm using the USB grabber.

    My issue is I cant figure out what goes to where ( sorry if it sounds stupid but I'm having a hard time figuring this out on my own ) so I need a simple setup diagram of what cables go to where usb grabber, RPi hdmi, 7" screen hdmi, hdmi splitter.

    since the RPI is also the Media source and i dont use it with other input devices ( ps, xbox, pc etc... ) i cant use most of the online tutorials.

    If any info needed let me know.

    Thanks in advance guys.

    Hello all,

    I'm in need for some help/direction to the most simple way to get 26 ws2812B LEDS to "ambilight" a 7" RPi 4 for running mostly 720p H264 video files .

    I got a bit lost with all the tutorials for a more complex projects for large smart TVs ( that require capture cards ) and a bit confused about the hardware items i need for my project.

    I'm trying to keep it really simple if possible

    RPi 4B 8GB ( any raspbian OS with Hyperion on a 64GB Micro SD )

    ws2812B LEDS

    I have a few Arduino Nanos laying around somewhere (used for an adalight controller a while back ) but I'm trying to figure out if and how to use only the RPi+Hyperion+ws2812B.

    I'd really appreciate your help and patience to just direct me to a good tutorial that fits my needs.
