Beiträge von michaelacosta-rpi

    Any more suggestions here? I've also followed the steps here with no success. My understanding of github is pretty limited, but I wanted to create a new branch with the necessary dependencies but I couldn't figure out how to do that.

    Frustrating because I want to run emulationstation and hyperion and the pi B+ I have can't handle both. That's why I got the new pi and now it's just a headache. Also just to make sure, I tried installing hyperion on top of raspian lite as well as on top of retropie. Same errors regardless.

    I'm also experiencing the same problem with revision a03115. I tried updating the dependencies but I either couldn't figure it out or it didn't work.

    Here's my log:

    you'll see it has the line "2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Hardware revision is not supported'"

    Here is the info from my pi using cat /proc/cpuinfo

    Hardware    : BCM2835
    Revision    : a03115
    Serial        : 10000000c35ef311
    Model        : Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5