Beiträge von marspd

    The windows machine is just a stop gap until I can get an RPI to replace it but thank you for the reply.

    I can update this thread and say that it does indeed work on Windows having downloaded and installed Python3. I did have to modify the script on line 215 to the following:

    # contours.sort(key=cv2.contourArea) - Original line, .sort method not available on tuples

    contours = tuple(sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea))

    Hi everyone
    I've read through this thread and want to try this myself. However rpi's are in short supply and I've installed Hyperion on an old Win10 x64 machine. Does anyone know if these python scripts and all the steps given in these posts can be run on a Windows 10 machine with Python installed?
    Thanks for any help.