Beiträge von wh3w4y

    Hi. Thanks for helping in advance.

    I have had hyperion running on my Pi1 for sometime. I needed to use the micro usb i had in the pi elsewhere so set up a new one with exactly the same setting and same hardware as before. I cant get the LEDs to light up at all. On the Dashboard page of hyperion the LED output toggle is off which I guess is the issue as this is the only setting that is different to what I had before and it makes sense if they are set to off they will not light up. I can toggle this on but if i go to a different page and then back it has switch back to off.

    Has anyone else come across this issue and if so how do I fix?


    For anyone having this issue i found the fix. I am using LEDs that are ws281x. You need to log into ssh and give roo permissions with the below. Credit to jabberwock on another thread. I have left on here as it didnt state my issue as an error but did the fix

    sudo systemctl disable --quiet hyperion@pi.service --now

    sudo systemctl enable --quiet hyperion@root.service --now