is there a way to use SSL certificates generated with letsencrypt to avoid "self-signed" certificate browser alerts ?
is there a way to use SSL certificates generated with letsencrypt to avoid "self-signed" certificate browser alerts ?
Just added a 4K HDCP2.2 HDMI splitter before the acquisition card and now I can get the 4k thread (either directly from the splitter or from the acquisition card output). Strange...
Sorry if the question is only relevant for French people using a freebox player pop...
I have tried at least 3 different acquisition cards, all tagged "4K - Ultra HD / HDCP 2.2".
My setup is working well with HD channels, but no way to get any 4K streams.
I always get the "ERROR DASH #1124 - HDCP security level of the TV insufficient to play this video quality" message.
(my HDMI cables do support HDCP as they work properly when used without he acuqirion card)
Does anybody know a card taht can be used to see 4K streams with the Freebox Player ?
I mean the "lock" icon at the top right as shown in the documentation
I would like to be able to "disconnect" to be asked for the password at the next connection.
Thanks a lot Pclin.
I am now able to use the API.
I thought hyperion was using JSON-RPC "standard" (as stated at https://www.jsonrpc.org/).
Hi, I am in trouble trying to use the JSON Api.
I am sending
curl -X POST --http0.9 -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"command": "serverinfo", "tan": 1}}' <hyperion_ip>:19444
But I get
{"command":"","error":"Errors during message parsing, please consult the Hyperion Log.","success":false,"tan":0}
And the logs shows "Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc / Illegal value"
2022-07-21T12:48:19.117Z [JSONSERVER] (DEBUG) (JsonServer.cpp:101:newConnection()) New connection from: ::ffff:<client_ip>
2022-07-21T12:48:19.119Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'POST / HTTP/1.1'
2022-07-21T12:48:19.120Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Host: <hyperion_ip>:19444'
2022-07-21T12:48:19.121Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'User-Agent: curl/7.81.0'
2022-07-21T12:48:19.122Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Accept: */*'
2022-07-21T12:48:19.123Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Content-Type: application/json'
2022-07-21T12:48:19.125Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Content-Length: 86'
2022-07-21T12:48:19.126Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 1, Column: 0, Data: ''
Any thoughts ?
Very clear, as always Lightning !
Thanks a lot.
Hi, sorry for such a stupid question, but I do not understand what decimation is.
What is the result? How to put the "best" value?
Have you had a look to the logs ?
Is Hyperion runnig under the root user (/usr/share/hyperion/scripts/updateHyperionUser.sh -u root) ?
Thanks Lightning.
I guess you are right.
I disabled login by password to only allow login with key.
Better security, and works fine.
Hello, after having changed the default password of the 'pi' user, I am no more able to connect through SSH to my raspberry pi running HyperBian.
(I could before having the password changed)...
Any thoughts ?
I feel so stupid....
I have installed Hyperion on a dedicated Raspbery PI3 with with a static IP.
As I own a domain (let's say "mydomain.com"), I created a subdomain hyperion.mydomain.com and update the DNSs.
On my router, I have redirected the 8090 and 8092 ports to the raspberry static IP.
I can access to the hyperion dashboard through http://hyperion.mydomain.com:8090 and https://hyperion.mydomain.com:8092 and
It works fine, but, when I connect through https, I get an alert as the default hyperion SSL certificate is a self-signed one.
I would like to replace that certificate with one of mines.
Does anybody know what is the location of the certificates ?