Beiträge von Izno

    Hi, I am in trouble trying to use the JSON Api.

    I am sending
    curl -X POST --http0.9 -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"command": "serverinfo", "tan": 1}}' <hyperion_ip>:19444

    But I get

    {"command":"","error":"Errors during message parsing, please consult the Hyperion Log.","success":false,"tan":0}

    And the logs shows "Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc / Illegal value"

    2022-07-21T12:48:19.117Z [JSONSERVER] (DEBUG) (JsonServer.cpp:101:newConnection()) New connection from: ::ffff:<client_ip>
    2022-07-21T12:48:19.119Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'POST / HTTP/1.1'
    2022-07-21T12:48:19.120Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Host: <hyperion_ip>:19444'
    2022-07-21T12:48:19.121Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'User-Agent: curl/7.81.0'
    2022-07-21T12:48:19.122Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Accept: */*'
    2022-07-21T12:48:19.123Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Content-Type: application/json'
    2022-07-21T12:48:19.125Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 0, Column: 1, Data: 'Content-Length: 86'
    2022-07-21T12:48:19.126Z [JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) Failed to parse json data from JsonRpc@::ffff:<client_ip>: Error: illegal value at Line: 1, Column: 0, Data: ''

    Any thoughts ?

    Hello, after having changed the default password of the 'pi' user, I am no more able to connect through SSH to my raspberry pi running HyperBian.

    (I could before having the password changed)...

    Any thoughts ?


    I have installed Hyperion on a dedicated Raspbery PI3 with with a static IP.

    As I own a domain (let's say ""), I created a subdomain and update the DNSs.

    On my router, I have redirected the 8090 and 8092 ports to the raspberry static IP.

    I can access to the hyperion dashboard through and and

    It works fine, but, when I connect through https, I get an alert as the default hyperion SSL certificate is a self-signed one.

    I would like to replace that certificate with one of mines.

    Does anybody know what is the location of the certificates ?
