Beiträge von manzel

    I managed to get it figured out. I use this code for my Particle Photon. It is pretty similar to the ESP8266 code, but has one crucial difference. The UDP packets are only evaluated when matching the expected size (line 99)

        if(packetSize == BUFFER_SIZE){

    This is done to filter out all the talk to the Particle cloud, I assume. On the ESP8266, there is no evaluation of the packet size. This buffer size is set to be dependent on the number of LEDs, however (line 27)

    #define BUFFER_SIZE  5 + 3 * NUM_LEDS

    This is pretty pointless, since all LEDs are set to the same color anyway. Now, why it works with the Windows test app and the old Hyperion (not ng, how do you refer to this?) is because you can set the LED count in both of those., however, fixes the LED count to 1. This is reasonable, since the rest of the data is never evaluated. Even for the official Windows test app, with LED count set to 24, there was only data present for the first LED and the rest was just filled with zeros.

    Thus, I fixed my problem by adjusting the buffer size to 8 and can now control the orb using Hyperion again.

    #define BUFFER_SIZE  8

    Since all the (assumed) communication with Particle cloud seems to have packet size 0, one could also adapt line 99 to

        if(packetSize > 0 && packetSize < BUFFER_SIZE+1){

    I guess, to not lose compatibility with previously configured control devices. But I think adjusting the buffer size and limiting the LED count to 1 just makes more sense, as the sketch has to be changed anyway.

    Thanks a lot for investigating. My AtmoOrb is not built with an ESP, but a Particle Photon. Had to do quite some digging to get the desired log output, but managed in the end.

    When I use the test tool (AtmoOrbApp) on Windows, the Orb lights up and output is as follows:

    When I change colors within Hyperion on the Pi, nothing happens (Orb stays dark and no serial output). I also installed Hyperion on Windows and tried using that. Same behavior as on the Pi. So it does not seem to be related to the Pi, but to Hyperion.

    I have been using Hyperion for about eight years now on a Pi 2, which controlled an APA102 strip, one AtmoOrb, and some Hue lamps. It has been working flawlessly ever since. Now I decided to give a go (using 2.0.13 at the moment) and have some problems. While the Hue lamps work, the Orb does not.

    The AtmoOrb is discovered automatically using the wizard, but Hyperion is unable to control it, the LEDs just stay dark. Using the Windows AtmoOrbApp it works without problems however using the following settings.

    This is my old config (before upgrading to ng), which also worked:

    These are my current settings for the orb in

        "hmax": 1,
        "hmin": 0.6,
        "vmax": 1,
        "vmin": 0

    I cannot seem to find any problems with this config. Also checked the logs, which did not show problems. Anything else I can try to make the orb work?