Beiträge von Alucard


    Thank you for your reply

    Have you tried the forwarding feature of Hyperion.NG?
    You forward the Image processed by Hyperion TV (Instance 1) and forward it to Hyperion Ceiling.
    On Hyperion Ceiling you do the layout as you need it.

    I didn't try Hyperion.NG but your solution seems interesting. I will try it soon.

    Going forward, you might consider to connect the ceiling LEDs to and ESP running WLED.
    Then you can run everything from Hyperion TV whereas WLED would just be a 2nd instance within Hyperion TV.

    I already have the RaspBerry Pi hidden in my ceiling so I'm not going to change my setup for now but thanks again!

    Hi folks,

    What I have :

    I have 2 Rapsberry PI. The first one is behind my TV with OSMC on it (version 2020.11-1).

    Note: I'm with an older version of OSMC and Kodi because of the grabber problem that seems to have appeared with v19.

    I installed Hyperion, my leds and everything works like a charm.

    The second one is hidden in the ceiling with Hyperbian installed on it. Everything also works like a charm.

    What I want :

    I would like my ceiling to light up the same way as the top LEDs on my TV.

    So what I have to do ?

    That's the point. I guess I have to either send the video stream to the raspberry on the ceiling or directly the information from a second instance of hyperion that would run in parallel to the first one and send the information for the ceiling leds.

    The second option seems to me to be the best. Now I'm a little confused about :

    - How to launch a second instance of hyperion

    - What is the best solution in my case between the different communication solutions (JSON, Proto, Boblight, other ?)

    Thanks for your advice

    1. If you use there is no hyperion.config.json.

    2. As Lightning-guy77 already outlined, you need to set the priority at the sender side, not at Hyperion.

    1. I use hyperion, not

    2. In fact I have two Hyperions : One on OSMC which is the sender and one on my ceiling with another raspberry pi and Hyperbian.

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    My source is a Raspberry with OSMC+Hyperion. I don't have this kind of tools... I already tried to modify the hyperion.config.json by adding "priority" : 150 in the protoServer section but without success...

    Any advise ? thx