Beiträge von saturian

    Forgive me if it sounds stupid but here goes:

    Most guides on the internet use WS2812B LED strips which have a strange connector that only fits to Raspberry Pi. What if I want to install Hyperion on a PC and use QT grabber, and connect LED strips to PC also? Do I have to buy some WS2812B-to-USB adapter? How does this work?


    I want to setup Hyperion on a Fedora system. I managed to set up a Docker image and access it via Web, the next step is configuring the Capturing Hardware. What is the best way I do this?

    1) enable XWayland (I use sway) and pass .X11 socket to Docker, I tried this but it won't detect anything...

    2) buy a USB video capture card (grabber), hopefully it will show up as /dev/ttyUSB0 or something like that, which I can pass to Docker container. seems kinda silly to capture a screen and send it back to the same computer it's connected to, though

    3) like 2) but set up a virtual /dev file with my screen output, tried creating a virtual display in sway but had little luck with that

    4) like 1) but staying pure Wayland on host, would be best option but maybe impossible

    The Docker I have is just a Debian image with hyperion installed via apt, then exposed so that I can access it on host system at

    I didn't yet buy any LEDs, which ones could you recommend for my use case? Preferably directly connected to my PC without tinkering with network access.

    Can anyone please advice me?