Beiträge von JCdotnl

    Dear Friends,

    I couldn't find a convo here. I have set up my HyperHDR, but I'm not sure if I've done it correctly regarding getting the max out of my LEDS.

    I want to have full HDR support for it and I can't find all the community settings. So if somebody can share their settings for.
    - Video Capture

    - Image Processing

    Thanks a lot.

    Hi all,

    So I've fully completed my Ambilight project and everything is working besides....

    For some reason I can't use Dolby Atmos as audio. The audio is glitching when toggled on.

    - Xbox Series X

    - Raspberry PI 4 - 4GB

    - LG Soundbar (Dolby Atmos)

    - Capture card with 4k/60 pass-through


    Yes sorry I configured it. I think I'm almost there - the only problem now is that my LEDS register everything but it's flickering constantly.

    Thanks again guys!

    Sorry didn't include it before but I've already inserted the bufsize to 1024000. It's working but still doesn't register all the colours correctly. It doesn't do the effects correctly and the colouring is wrong.

    Red = Blue and when I do pink it is blue. I am going to do all my wires correctly tomorrow to see if something went wrong there.

    Hey Lightning.

    Thank you so much for this - I got all the LEDs now running. I got the data on GPIO 10 and the GND between the Raspberry & Mean Well is on 6.

    The only issues now is that my LEDS won't be controlled by HyperHDR. It lights up fully - but for example when I want to test the 'Night Rider' effect or others - it just won't register and doesn't do anything. Could this be because of an error with the data cable?

    PS: Don't mind the cabels right now. It is just testing and when it works I am going to put the Mean Well in a small box and the cabels will be managed into one big cable for safety.


    Hope you're doing well! One of my long-time dreams are to have my own Ambilight system (without buying a Philips TV). This year, I'm diving down into electronics and it's super excited - but very confusing at times.

    I am trying to set up my own Ambilight system for my LG CX. But it's just not working. I have also looked up some topics on this form regarding the SK6812. Unfortunately, I can't find the solution - I am possibility doing something wrong. So, I want to ask you guys if you could help me out with this one. Embrace the noobness :D

    - Raspberry pi 4 - 2 GB RAM

    - Sandisk Extreme 32 GB SD Card

    - HyperHDR Version
    - 5 meter BTF-Lightning SK6812 RGBW LED Strip (Model: BTF-5V-060L-B) 60 leds per meter
    - Mean Well LRS-100-5 AC power supply brick - 18A 90W 5V/DC

    Set up
    - My Raspberry pi is powered by it's own 5V official Raspberry power supply
    - Mean Well is powered by it's own 5V cable.

    - My Mean Well powers the LED strip.
    - I've enabled the SPI interface
    - Cable connection is soldered but not final

    - I haven't mounted the leds to the tv - I first want to make sure that they work

    - LED hardware controller is SK6812spi

    - Data is on GPIO 10

    The issue

    - Currently the biggest problem is that I have made the connection with the LEDS and they change lights. It only powers the first 28 LEDS and the colour switch is random. It doesn't seem that the data transfers correctly.

    Controller settings

    Hardware LED Count - 150
    RGB byte order - GBR

    Refresh time - 10000 ms

    SPI path /dev/spider0.0
    Baudrate - 6000000
    White LED algorithm - White off

    I'm super annoyed because I have the feeling that I'm super close to get it done but something is just not working. Could it be the power source? Or are my settings very off?