Beiträge von halitkandemir

    Uygulamayı ilk kullanımda her şey yolunda yürüdüler ancak artık ışıklar yanmamaya başladı. Uygulamayı yeniden süresinde kırmızı, yeşil, mavi ışıklar yanıp sönüyor sonra hiçbir şey olmuyor.

    2023-03-02T11:19:01.994Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (ERROR) Cihaz devre, harici cihaz 'adalight' hata sinyali veriyor: 'COM10'a veri yazarken zaman aşımı

    2023-03-02T11:46:55.336Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 40 effects loaded from directory :/effects/
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.337Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 22 effect schemas loaded from directory :/effects/schema/
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.337Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 1 effects loaded from directory C:/Users/Halit Kandemir/.hyperion/custom-effects/
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.354Z [DAEMON] (INFO) DirectX grabber created
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.474Z [DXGRABBER] (INFO) Update output image resolution to [240x135]
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.474Z [DXGRABBER] (INFO) Set new frames per second to: 60 fps
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.491Z [MAIN] (INFO) Start Systray menu
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.358Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Start LedDevice 'adalight'.
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.359Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Opening UART: COM10
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.359Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Rainbow swirl fast" on channel 1
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.359Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial foreground effect 'Rainbow swirl fast' started
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.359Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Strobe red" on channel 254
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.359Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial background effect 'Strobe red' started
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.660Z [HYPERION-INSTMGR] (INFO) Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been started
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.361Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Switching device adalight ON
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.361Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device adalight is ON
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.361Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) LedDevice 'adalight' enabled
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.477Z [FLATBUFSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19400
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.477Z [PROTOSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19445
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.661Z [JSONSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19444
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.665Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion http-Webserver' started on port 8090
    2023-03-02T11:46:55.675Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion https-Webserver' started on port 8092
    2023-03-02T11:46:56.403Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (ERROR) setInput() used without registerInput() for priority '254', probably the priority reached timeout
    2023-03-02T11:46:56.924Z [MUXER|First LED Hardware instance] (ERROR) Previous line repeats 26 times
    2023-03-02T11:46:56.924Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Effect [Strobe red] finished
    2023-03-02T11:46:58.407Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Effect [Rainbow swirl fast] finished
    2023-03-02T11:47:01.605Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'adalight' signals error: 'Timeout writing data to COM10'
    2023-03-02T11:47:03.290Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Police Lights Solid" on channel 1
    2023-03-02T11:47:20.191Z [DAEMON] (INFO) Suspend event received - Hyperion is going to sleep
    2023-03-02T11:47:20.191Z [HYPERION-INSTMGR] (INFO) Suspend all instances and enabled components
    2023-03-02T11:47:22.566Z [DAEMON] (INFO) Resume event received - Hyperion is going into working mode
    2023-03-02T11:47:22.566Z [HYPERION-INSTMGR] (INFO) Resume all instances and enabled components