Posts by IMasterIIChiefI-IST

    I'm not a software engineer, but I'm willing to give it a try. In the meantime, I've been doing some research to find an easy and practical way to implement this project in a timely manner. I started by looking into what Discord offers directly through its web client and Discord Web API. However, I ran into a roadblock when I discovered that Discord blocks connections to any pages embedding content, so that option was a dead end.

    This left me with the alternative of using the Discord API directly. Unfortunately, I found that it doesn't allow for streaming applications or using the camera, which posed another challenge. This brings me to the option of either building my own client or finding an existing one and integrating the necessary logic. During my search, I came across a couple of custom clients that are compatible with ARM architecture and open source: OpenAsar and ArmCord.

    After examining the code of both projects, it became clear that OpenAsar is the more feasible choice for someone with my level of knowledge since it's mostly, if not fully, implemented in JavaScript.

    I would appreciate any additional information and assistance in this endeavor.

    While I understand that implementing this feature would likely demand extensive computational resources and significant adjustments to various modules, it could offer significant advantages to users, particularly those who frequently live-stream their gaming experiences on online platforms. Many of us now utilize powerful single-board computers (SBCs) with ample GPU, CPU, and memory capabilities. Leveraging these resources, it may be feasible to integrate a streaming function. This feature would involve encoding and compressing video data from capture cards, facilitating seamless online streaming.