Beiträge von elhennig

    In the meantime I replaced my Sedu V2 with AP102 directly driven by the Raspi 4. It works fine, the calibration is much easier compared to before. Is there any tip for the configuration to make the light as responsive as possible?

    pclin induced the idea to replace my SEDU V2 controller in order to get rid of my blue tint in the WS2801 LED strips. see Help on calibration with Sedu V2

    I would rather buy some APA102 strips now, use my RPi4 to drive them and use the existing power supply from the insanelight package to power the strips. I guess it has 50W. What would you recommend to buy? 30pcs/m or 60pcs/m strips?

    As far as I read the LEDs do have a power consumption of 0.2W per piece, so the power supply should be fine for both in my setup with currently 94 LEDs (with 30pcs/m) even if I would double the number of LEDs.

    Question already answered: LED power calculator - LED-Leistungsrechner does not allow for the 60pcs/m setup in my case, if I want to use the old power supply.

    How can I make the connections longer? My RPi will not be behind the TV screen, hence I need to make the connection for power and controller wire longer.

    OK, I guess I have to live with the blueish tint. Switching to the RPi4 directly is a bit too much effort for me right now. This would mean not only to change the strips but also the power supply and maybe more...

    Thanks a lot for your quick responses and your help!

    OK, so that means I am not too stupid.. That's good news ;)

    Do you have recommendations with which stripes the ones I have, can be replaced? I do not really know what they are as the package I bought 2016 from is not available anymore

    Hi, since I was able to make hyperion work with my Sedu V2 controller I have the next task to complete: Calibration!

    I manged to get a rather decent calibration done with the wizard in the web UI but I do not get the white balance done at alle: There is a clear blueish teint that I cannot get rid of. Also the grey calibration seems to be very difficult.

    Does anyone of you have any tip / idea what I could try to get a perfect calibration working with Sedu V2?

    Sometimes to obvious is not so clearly visible. I missed that with Custom I could enter my value, so I chose th closest one, which apparently did not work. Thanks a lot, it works now with 500000 as bandwidth value.

    Of course, now more questions come up: The blue value is too dominant and with the calibaration tool I was not yet able to get a real and good white. Do you have some tips by chance before I will search the forum?

    The colors work fine in the preview in Hyperion. Ther sedu V2 is detected correctly and the setup should be fine. But the LEDs stay off and I do not see any error besides the "Lock/Unlock Handler - Session bus is not connected" that I cannot get rid of. But actually I do not know if this error is really related to the problem.

    What can I do to debug this better? And what can I post here to get some support/ideas from you guys?

    Actually I am not convinved that the error from the lock is really pointing to the problem.

    I did some tests again today, and the only things that is not working is the control of the LEDs via Sedu V2, which works on the enigma2 device (but thre I do have a major issue with the grabber not working properly).

    The grabber works fine according to the control view in the hyperion web page, it also seems to calculate the colors for the LEDs correctly, but the hardweare stays dark :(


    I have a raspberry pi 4 with Hyperion image and I try to run the LEDs with my old sedu controller. I can configure it, as well as my USB-3 HDMI grabber. The grabbing sems to work, but there is no output on the LEDs. I also tried to run the LEDs using the Hyperion controller app without success.

    Any idea wht could cause this? The only error I saw is "Lock/Unlock Handler - Session bus is not connected". How can I debug this in detail?