Beiträge von Crusher

    Hello Hyperion Community

    In the beginning I need to say i just had run Hyperion like 5years ago with a video graber etc.

    After getting now a new TV i just decided to get Hyperion with it too.

    So i just looked and wanted to use an PI 4 as Video Input for IPTV.

    So i installed Libraelec and used the "wget -qO- | bash" to install hyperion

    I manged to work that i have the Weboveriew, i set in the Hardware settings ws281x (I have ws2812b) the GPIO is set to 18 and i connected the DI Input to it (correct dirrection) The + is wired to my 5V 20A Power Supply. The Ground is togther with the PI on output 6.

    this are my settings and when i go to the efect configurator and load an effect and start it nothing shows up.

    The Supply has perfect 5V.

    Here is my debug protocol

    anyone has some suggest for me?

    Just a question:

    When I would use an WLed with an ESP32 i could connect to the hyperion? If yes what is about the Latency or should it be connected with USB?