Posts by AWLnot!

    My only reference for my first attempt at this is UT Chris Majestic. The HDMI capture he says is no longer available. The one I tried is ORIVISION UCH 603. Now I see in the specs it's MAC ? and requires software set up? In his video he doesn't say anything about setting up the capture - he just plugs it in.does it matter.??? Just as well.. The Hyperion interface setup does not recognize it as a USB capture. So at this point my entire test of my setup is impossible w/o a recognizable USB HDMI capture. So guys what have ya'll used??

    Hey! Tx for your reply. I'm quite anxious to get this up & running. Home theater includes AWOL short throw on 100 inch. NUMEROUS iterations as WIP... So...? have you made a system with 60/m? Work OK? Any issues you can share? ..Love to see your syst demo... I'm following all the advice I've seen from Chris Majestic that he's posted on Youtube.

    Looking to make an Ambilight setup for a 100" projector screen. Saw a tutorial on Youtube byChris Majestic .I want to use 144/meter, he uses 60.. Has anyone tried this? Is more is better? Will I be happy with the lower count? or will I wish I had used more?? 144 strips are only sold in 1 meter lengths, so soldering will be required. Is this doable or worth the effort? :?: