Beiträge von wtstreetglow

    I am experiencing random color flashing. Please see the video below for an example.

    The screen that the leds are mirroring is on an unchanging view.

    I have tried turning smoothing off and on with no changes seen.

    I have changed the brightness to 50 and 75% to no avail.

    I am using a 10 amp power supply for led power. I am using a FCOB led strip. (36 leds per 1 ws2811 chip)--> This means there are 100 ws2811 for a 5m strip. I am using 100 inches (2.5 meters) of the LED strip. Using half of the strip, I am controlling 50 WS2811.

    The strip is 12v

    I am using a pi4 connected to an arduino nano by usb which then has the data line of the nano connected to the data of the led strip from pin d6.

    I'm not sure I completely understand the idea of a "common ground". My ground connections are as described below:

    ground from arduino goes to negative of the 12v power supply that is being used to power the LEDs

    I have a usb coming from the pi going to power the arduino (does this count as the ground between the pi and arduino?)

    I have a usb capture card connected by usb to the raspberry pi.

    If so, I have a common ground between the leds, arduino and pi.

    Thank you all for any troubleshooting you can help with. This is driving me wild.

    Thanks again!!

    I couldn't attach a video of what is going on so I have put it at the google drive link below:

    Video of effects doing the same thing/ random bright flashes of proper color and location of the effect- 5 second mark- happens at different locations points in effect:


    So I hooked this set of lights up to a WLED controller that I had laying around and the leds seem to be working perfectly with constant color and effects so hopefully someone will be able to help me pinpoint what is going on in my installation spoken of in the first post.

    I would really like to remove the arduino from the equation as long as my retrogaming (retropie) won't suffer due to increased load/ processing being placed on the pi after removal of the arduino.

    I also am trying to stay away from wifi communication in an effort not to ruin my network speeds.

    TPmodding. Thank you so much for replying and giving me this information.

    I ended up getting a capture card and seem to have everything working (including the middleman arduino).

    I do have one question-- and maybe this is by design. When capturing from the screen. The first led bank (from chip #1) is not lighting up. It works fine when doing effects etc.

    I am using FCOB Leds (36 leds to 1 chip- 2811)

    Is this as designed? If not, can you give me some guidance on how to correct this on my end?

    Thank you!!

    Also, if I will not see any performance reduction, can you give me some guidance on how to change from using the capture card as I have to the simpler method. I have wires all over the place with this method and if the performance won't suffer while using retropie- I think I need to simplify this to remove break down points.

    Thank you so much TPmodding. Thank you for being helpful.

    Hello all,

    I hope you all can help me understand all of this as I'm a little confused.

    My goal is to get an installation of hyperion running as cheap as possible- possibly with components I already have laying around in a perfect world.

    Another goal I have is good performance.

    I also would like to stay away from wifi communication-- as I don't want to clog my network.

    I have esp8266, esp32, arduino nano all available.

    A raspberry pi4 is running the emulator frontend retropie and will be providing the display information.--> I'm understanding a capture card will be necessary no matter what because of this, am I correct?

    I guess what I am trying to figure out is, can I run hyperion on the raspberry pi 4 and use another piece of hardware to take the "load" off of the pi. Or that is not how it works at all.

    Can I make this happen with the constraints stated and options given above?

    Thank you all for giving me some guidance on this!!