Beiträge von Gergold

    So I've been trying to build a TV reactive screen backlighting, and I have issues with the colors. Now I only have the Raspberry and the led strip so I decided to test if it can work just to try out different effects and adjust the settings while I wait. The problem is that when I plug in everything and the hyperion starts the leds will start to slowly change colors and brightness up to down it has a pattern, and whatever I change in the settings it doesn't change on the led strip, only the number of leds I can modify. But when I try to apply an effect it violently starts to flash in every color. Same with the color calibration, it doesn't stay in one color for 5 secs only a few but it is flashing.
    Since this is the first time im experimenting with both a raspberry and hyperion I don't really know how to program or write code on them. I only got the necessary options from the tutorials.
    If you need any settings or setups to determine the problem please share it. :)