Posts by Nepomuk

    Hallo zusammen.

    Ich würde meine Beleuchtungen gerne mit einem ESP32 kontrollieren.

    Hyperion läuft auf einem Raspberry Pi.

    Der ESP32 ist im gleichen WLAN und verbindet sich erfolgreich mit der Hyperion API.

    Ab hier hab ich das Problem der Unwissenheit.

    Es sollen Kommandos mittels json wie in der Doku beschrieben versendet werden.

    Vom Server (abgelesen in der Hyperion WebUI) erhalte ich allerdings nur folgenden Output.

    Der Code zum senden ist in C geschrieben.

    So wie ich das sehe, verstehe ich nicht, wie man den Header und die dazugehörigen Daten verpackt.

    Könnte mir jemand ein simples Skript, bspw. zum ändern eines effects oder ähnlichem vorlegen? Vielleicht auch Hinweise, welche Libaries verwendet wurden.

    Ich Arbeite momentan mit ArduinoJson und dem standart HTTPClient.h

    Viele Grüße,


    In general, 60 LEDs is a good choice.

    But if you go for perfection, it depends on your setup.

    How close is the wall behind your Strips? In what direction are they mounted? How far behind the screen are they mounted?

    Do you use defusers?

    I had the same thoughts on my first project and 122/m is lot (!). But if you need very(!) bright light and don’t care about power consumption, go for it. I’m not sure if there is a limit of LEDs you can control with Hyperion. If you need a lot of meters, also check that out.

    What I tried is getting a short strip with 60/m density and try it out. So you see if you need it more or less dense or bright. Also helped me in the direction I wanted to mount them.

    I bought the same type of strip I used for final project. That way I can replace defect LEDs with the Demo strip ones.

    Have fun! :)

    Hello there!

    - Raspberry Pi 4B 4Gb

    - WS2812B by BTF, 5V LED strip, 5m, 60 LED/m

    - WS2812B by ??, 5V LED strip, 1m, 122 LED/m

    - Adjustable Power supply set on 5V, limited to 3 A

    RPI Image:

    - HyperBrian lite, from 19.02.2023

    Hyperion Version:


    why am I writing to you:

    I would like to show some effects on the LED strip to test functionality. I can not make any LED to light up and its getting more and more frustrating. Hopefully someone can support to help me debugging <3

    The 1m strip with 122 LEDs was already working some weeks ago. So I decided to buy a longer one. Now I found some time an tried to run the 5m, Strip with 300 LEDs but i could not manage it. So I attached the old 1m, 122 LED strip to rebuild what i did but also this one i could not manage to light up at all.

    Raspberry Pi changes:

    (connection via SSH)

    i disabled the running hyperion@pi.service and enabled hyperion@root.service.

    sudo systemctl disable --now hyperion@pi.service

    sudo systemctl enable --now hyperion@root.service

    sudo reboot

    Data connection:

    I tried connecting with PWM and SPI. Both settings with a 220 Ohms resistor in between RPI Pin and the LED Strip wire

    PWM: Data In Wire to GPIO 18 (PIN12) - also tried GPIO 12 (PIN32)

    SPI: Data In Wire to GPIO 10 (PIN19) - tried Baudrates 3000000 Hz, 1000000 Hz, 460800 Hz


    Both of my Strips have 5 wires. Three of them were as known connectable with a connector, the other two (a red and a white wire) not.

    I assume the single red and the connector red wire are the same, as well as the single white and the connector white. At least their resistance is pretty low R<0.1 Ohm.

    The power supply is connected to the single red wire, the COM to the single white wire. I am using WAGO clamps fot the connection.

    The Raspberry Pi uses its own USB-C power supply. I connected the COM from the LED strip single white cable to the GND at PIN 6 for voltage reference.


    The Output Pin of the Raspberry Pi works fine (I guess...). Theres an measurable voltage and frequency against GND when i start an testing effect and returns to zero when i stop the testing effect. Sadly, I have no Oscilloscope to check the signal more in detail.

    The Data arrives the first LED of the strip. The same Voltage and frequency is measurable at its Data In pin.

    Buth the LED does not light up and also the Data Out pin stays at 0 V.

    I thought about a defekt first LED and used a jumper wire to connect the First LEDs Data In Pin with other Input Pats. Also no LEDs lighted up.

    Current Hyperion Debug Log (including screen capture hardware which works in Hyperion web Apps preview - but does not effect the problem at all)

    -- there is an error, i tried a lot to handle it, i can't say what exactly.. but i did not work.

    at least I'd like to add that I am German, so my writing is not perfect for sure. sorry about that.