Beiträge von 0x90

    I'm struggling to find hardware that I *think* I need, but this is my first go at Hyperion, so would love some feedback.

    We have four devices we want to use with our TV, the XBox SX and PS5 being the most "demanding" - I'd really like to keep 120hz 4k w/ HDR. We use a soundbar via toslink from the TV directly (no AVR). We detest all the CEC/auto-on/off stuff (it never works right between devices)

    I believe what I'm looking for is both a splitter (would decode HDCP content) - only need 2x, and an HDMI input switcher, one for each device we have.

    Is it possible to keep 120hz/4k (HDMI 2.1), or should I just admit defeat at this point and go with something like the FeinTech VSP01201 switch? I'm having trouble finding switches that support HDMI 2.1 +HDCP +HDR. Or am I thinking about this wrong?

    I'm going to start out on a Pi Zero 2W (hopefully that's got enough oompf to get the job done), and use SPI to drive my own LED strips. Any recommendations for a "grabbber" for this application?