Beiträge von nappyjim

    I *think* this is hardware issue but unsure. Thats why I am kind of looking for suggestions.

    I've attached a rudimentary diagram of my setup. It may seem like it can be simplified, but there are other smart homes things I do not show in there and reasons I have two (1 in, 2 out) splitters.

    My issue is everything will work great and then suddenly, the lights behind TV go out. I connect to hyperion webui and when I click the icon to see what hyperion see's, the screen is now just black. I go to USB capture device, sometimes it shows my discovered device still there, others it doesnt, picture below is a time it still saw the device.

    If everytime it failed, the device was no longer listed there, I would chalk it up the the device (HDMI capture card). But because sometimes it appears like Hyperion still sees it, that throws a wrench into that.

    The picture of my TV never goes out, so I can rule out the 2in 1 out splitters that the TV and Firestick are attached to. I guess it could be the 4in 1 out splitter, the capture card, hypersion software itself, or the Rpi4 (I've heard the 4's get pretty hot?).

    Wondering if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, etc?