Beiträge von DutchFireFox

    Changed the baud in the Hypercon config and tried that sketch.
    But still the same result.

    Thanks for you help tho. I have so many hours in this project, this is my last hope ;).

    Is the Baud rate correct ?

    Which sketch are you using on the arduino ?

    I think so.

    This is the Arduino sketch:


    My setup: RPi1B or RP3 (OpenELEC 7.0.1) | arduino UNO | WS2812B ledstrip.
    UTV007 grabber (This works, tested with screenshots)

    When I boot the setup the leds start blinking the RGB flash from the setup code in the arduino.
    But there will be no rainbow effect from the Hyperion boot animation or input from the grabber.

    I have tried multiple RPi's and ardunio's with the same result.

    Do you guys have an idea what I did wrong?

    Hyperion log:

    Hyperion config: