Beiträge von skylineKid712

    What's you power supply amperage and how many places are you powering the led strip from?

    Have you hit upon this thread yet?…-calibration-problem.889/

    I think it may be similar to what your seeing and perhaps it could help, I hope.

    Yeah that looks pretty much exactly like my issue! I only have 97 LEDs so do you think it would work to connect power to the other end of the strip also? I've only soldered twice and it was on much larger gauge wires, plus I don't have any soldering equipment right now. I believe my power supply is 10 amps

    I was trying to calibrate my LEDs but I ran into some issues. I'm running Hyperion on a RPi3 with OSMC and WS2812b LEDs connected to an Arduino Uno (the LEDs are grounded to the Arduino) and when I'm using a solid white image the bottom right is pretty much perfectly white, the right side is an ok white, and the top, left side, and bottom left are red: [MEDIA=imgur]O7Io4H4[/MEDIA]
    However, if I rotate the image the LEDs on top and bottom are the correct color. I tried adjusting the color values in HyperCon but I have to drop the values down to 45, 50, 45 to get the whites right which messes with my other colors. Using the red, green, and blue images from the Hyperion calibration guide without changing any values are perfect but magenta, cyan, and yellow are all wonky. Here is my log file: [MEDIA=pastebin]H9yb7Ufz[/MEDIA]

    and a link to the full album of pictures: [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2FrZGvx;type=album[/MEDIA] and I have included my config.json. The LEDs also flicker but that may be an issue with my power supply. It looks pretty good most of the time when it's running non-static images but sometimes the left side has some weird colors which is what I was trying to fix initially