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    @ RanzQ hi it`s a great job you`ve done. Thank you! I´ve installed your audio vu-meter on OSMC successfully.

    But it works for me only with aplay which only supports wav-files.

    I installed the mpd player but this didn`t work with it. I have only this: 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000

    There is no signal from mpd in the loopback.

    Curiously is the volume level in alsamixer the same for aplay and mpc. (I can hear both at the same time). In alsamixer I have x-(default) x0 bcm2835 ALSA and x1 Loopback

    I`ve configured my mpd.conf like this:

    audio_output {

    type "alsa"

    name "My ALSA Device"

    device "hw:0,0" # optional ("hw:0,1" is funktion too)

    mixer_type "hardware" # optional

    mixer_device "default" # optional

    mixer_control "PCM" # optional

    mixer_index "0" # optional

    What can i do? Mpd would be the best solution to hear my mp3s with vu-meter.
    (Sorry for this bad English)