Beiträge von xxrzdxx

    Wanted to respond to my own post in case any one else experiences this. I noticed eventually that this occurred only on certain content, and started checking the info trying to find the difference. I had Kodi set to adjust refresh rate on playback, and anything that was at 23.976 fps would result in the flicker. Anything at 25 or 60 fps was fine. I turned the refresh rate adjustment off and everything works ok so far.

    Using a RPi2 to control the LEDS, and Kodi addon as source. If there is a scene change while watching where darkness suddenly becomes bright there is usually a flicker in the middle of the sudden transition. If the light transition is gradual or moves around the screen there is no problem. I've tried two different bit rates with no change. I realize the cause could be a number of things, but was hoping maybe someone else has experienced this and knew a solution.

    Content of Hyperion Log (Did not activate at all while playing video, it's hit or miss)

    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if it simply doesn't work at the moment.

    I have a Hyperion set-up that functions perfectly with any remote app to activate the default effects, colors. However, integrating it with Kodi on the Nvidia Shield TV has been spotty at best.

    I've tried both Kodi 17 and 18 nightlies and get roughly the same results, both with the Hardware renderer on and off (Including the modification to advancedsettings.xml to enable screen capture).

    It doesn't seem to pay much attention to the Kodi status checks enabled in the HyperCon config. Some lights might flicker when playing a video once in a while and then throw an error to check the log files when video stops, but that's about it.

    Content of Kodi Error Log