Beiträge von HalbesHaehnchen

    Hmm ja was da steht weiß ich ja, was es bei mir macht ist jedenfalls die Helligkeit der LEDs dimmen oder wenn ich über 1 mit den Werten gehe wird halt immer mehr der anderen beiden Farben hinzugemischt bis irgendwann selbst Rot weiß ist.
    Wo willst du denn überhaupt hin? Rauf? Soll alles heller?

    Try some "extreme" settings. And use the whitelevel values to dimm down your leds (even though wiki told us not to do so :P )
    I get some pretty nice brown tones this way, without ruining other colors or brightness situations.

    However, with these low values, hyperion seems to become a little bitchy :D Weird "pop up / jumpy" effects here and there and sometimes totally wrong colors. When i move a window there and move it back color is fine again.

    Looks good :) thanks for the test! all screenshots are taken with hyperion right? could you do me a favor and try to make screenshots with mplayer on the rpi? :)

    Yes I used putty

    hyperion-v4l2 -v PAL -f 2 -s 0 --screenshot --input 0

    if you guide me via PN, I can do that. Right now I've just a naked Pi (jessie lite) with hyperion on it.
    Im totally new to Linux :D


    a little test I made since I own both grabbers and 2 diffrent converters.
    Maybe it could help someone.

    Reference Screenshot

    Taken directly from Windows desktop and scaled down to 720*576 PAL resolution. So the best you could get, in theory.

    Fushicai UTV007 Grabber

    You may notice massive sharpening. Makes outlines and silhouettes much brighter. Once Hyperion reduces the image for calculating the ambilight, it could easy result in wrong colors. Also a bit to bright so we lose information here (easy to see at the color bars on the bottom and greyscaled ones at the top)
    However this is not only a grabber problem but a grabber+converter problem.
    The screenshots I took with the other converter dont have these extreme sharpening problems.

    STK1160 Grabber

    Much better already I think. Less sharp, yes, but we need decent colors, not to much of details. Skin tones are pretty natural. Also the color bars on the right are not turned into "neon" like colors.


    I also tested CVBS vs. S-Video. But I had to lower my resolution to 1080p since my 4K Converter has no S-Video plug. If anyone knows a converter which supports 4k and S-Video please let me know!
    So the following screenshots are in 1080p with the 1080p converter!

    Fushicai UTV007 Grabber ( CVBS )

    No overdone sharpening effect this time. Brightness seems to be fine aswell. Guess not every grabber works the same with every converter...

    Fushicai UTV007 Grabber ( S-Video )

    Not really a big diffrence huh ? CVBS seems even a little better (less interferences)

    STK1160 Grabber ( CVBS )

    Again the STK1160 delievers the better and more natural colors.

    STK1160 Grabber ( S-Video )

    This seem to be the best you can get. Less interferences compared to CVBS and even a little more detail. Colors seem to be the same though.


    just wondering if its possible to make Hyperion support HDMI grabbers? I have no clue about Linux and raspberry, so please dont hate me if I am talking nonsense :D

    But I think this way we could use a digital image with 100% correct colors and the right aspect ratio (I am using a 21:9 screen for example)
    No need anymore for the converter box. Just the splitter is necessary.

    I would be willing to buy one and leave it to the developers until support is implementet (if possible at all)

    Works pretty well already on Win7 x64.
    I used to have an ambilight based on the "SeduBoard" and AtmoWin. SeduBoard is in the Chimney now, creating fake fire :D
    It worked fine but slowed down the whole system way to much.

    I built my Hyperion Ambilight yesterday and got it working so far with the USB grabber, but colors are wrong pretty often. And since I use an ultra widescreen its not gettin any better.
    This little tool has very accurate colors out of the box.

    Sadly it wont work with DirectX 9 game, at least not for me. I had the same problem with my first ambilight, and you had to install PlayClaw to capture the screen information ingame I assume?!:unsure:

    Thanks for this and Hyperion :)