Beiträge von Rick164

    Could make it part of the install script with a default opt-out like so:

    > Do you want to share Hyperion usage statistics (device / platform name only!) to help improve and prioritize development? y/N

    If selected on each Hyperion daemon startup it does a one time callback including the stats listed in the first post :)

    Kodi version looks ok however not that familiar with it though but the tag and version / revision seems valid :)


    Tmux is messing up my copy / paste again with the multiple screens :P , will make a PR now so we can test on beta branch.

    Much better :)

    New XBMCvideochecker code is online:


    Enabled the Kodi webserver on port 9090 and seeing a successful connection with no errors during playback or pictures however when I display a picture I don't get any lights but not sure how that one is supposed to works as I also have the Hyperion addon installed there.

    Have it setup like this right now:

    There are some functions that got dropped or renamed but we would have to run a test compile with Qt5 first to see the impact I think, overview of the changes are here as well:

    Few changes listed there like toAscii and UTF8 but we would have to try it out and see it can be converted and re-test on all the platforms :)
    Seeing several topics about Qt5 for Raspbian where it looks like it's in the repo and for wheezy it's in the backports:

    Looks like it's mostly the order of the json string that was off (id before spec) as the commands themselves look valid against V6, not sure if there's a good json reader for QT as right now the code is based on string matches which isn't perfect (really would prefer JSON objects) so we can improve that later but first fix :)

    Here's the changed libsrc/xbmcvideochecker/XBMCVideoChecker.cpp for testing :) , can just copy it in and compile.
    Haven't got Kodi around right now for testing but can do that later.

    // Update

    Added missing brace in one of the commands, they only have examples for V4 but those still look fine the way we use it at least:

    {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetActivePlayers", "id": 1}

    which has the id listed last there instead of before jsonrpc :)


    How to turn off for private network? Java is already maintained in the firewall with no restrictions and I can't create a rule against a non .exe like Hypercon.

    For testing only the easiest way is via control panel:


    Externer Inhalt
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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

    Other option is to stop the service completely:

    - Open command prompt
    - type "services.msc"
    - Find the service "Windows Firewall" and right click and select "Stop"

    Oh nevermind got the 2 swapped, everything is run as root with OpenElec but might be that ssh config is write protect by root as well :)

    Will check if there's a way around that.

    // Update

    With OpenElec you only get write access to /storage so there's a way to change the ssh config but it's not very clean (swapping out config on startup), there's a DNS issue with the router or the Raspberry at least as it shouldn't take that long to do a reverse lookup :)

    In the file "/etc/hostname" does it have the default hostname or one with a FQDN?
    Also in /etc/resolve.config /etc/resolve.conf which DNS server is it using?

    And can we please try a version with a longer timeout.. It takes 12 seconds for password prompt to appear in putty ssh window when auto sending username..

    That one sounds familiar and might be the root cause, that is normally because it tries to do a reverse DNS lookup or has some sort of external auth but typically it's the DNS one.
    Could you do the following:

    - SSH to Raspberry Pi and execute command "ifconfig" , afterwards best to post output.
    - Disable reverse DNS for ssh, more info here:


    but the steps are:

    - sudo nano -w /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    - add UseDNS no to the file and save with F2
    - run "service ssh reload"