Beiträge von danielfmo

    Another thing to try is to clear all priorities via the app or hyperion-remote, because maybe another process (Kodi for instance) is claiming access with a higher priority :)
    Will double check the priority code in case it's hard coded but believe that was migrated from AtmoLight correctly.

    Found out why I don't get any notification, I was facing THIS issue with Windows :/

    Now I get the error D3DERR_INVALIDCALL (-2005530516) :(

    Also disabled everything except the JSON/protobuffer

    Any other clue?

    Maybe it can't read out the surface for some reason but it should report an error then, might be that you set it to the Hyperion JSON port instead of the ProtoBuffer port.
    Both will connect but only ProtoBuffer port (19445) will work so worth double checking :)

    I've double checked and it's correct. Actually as in a previous post I get the message "PROTOSERVER INFO: New connection" in the hyperion logs, so I guess that the connection is properly handled.

    As a developer and tester myself it would be a pleasure if I can somehow help you debugging this, though I'm not an expert with Visual Studio.
    I'll give it a try and let you know if I'm able to find anything.


    Thanks a lot,
    I just get an "Connected to Hyperion server on!" message in the debug.log and nothing else.
    Any suggestions?

    Thank you all.

    It captures right away. If it fails to capture it spits out an error message via a windows notification. Keep in mind that, after every change to the config, you have to restart the grabber. Double clicking the tray icon does not reinitialise with the updated config.

    I've just used wireshark to check if something is being sent, but nothing other than the TCP handshake.
    Is there a way to start HyperionScreenCap in "debug mode" and have real time logs?

    Do you have a multimonitor setup? check if the monitor index is correct. For one monitor it is usually 0, but try 1 as well. Also if you have multiple monitors that might cause problems at the moment.
    Furthermore check if the priority value of the windows grabber is lower than that of the framegrabber in the hyperion config. lower channel means higher priority.

    Thank you for the help,

    But unfortunately still no luck.

    I have only one monitor connected using HDMI, I've tried the values 0, 1 and 2 for monitor index.
    Priority on config file is 10, others are 790 and 810.
    I've also started HyperionScreenCap in administrator mode.

    Does the HyperionScreenCap start immediately to capture, desktop included? Or I must start an application?

    Hello all,

    First of all thank you for your great work :)

    Now, can someone guide me throw on how to make this work?
    I have an Rpi2 with OSMC running latest version of hyperion with the "Internal frame grabber", "Kodi checker" and JSON and Proto server activated.
    And if I start the HyperionScreenCap in my Windows 10 x64 machine (i5-6600k+GTX970) I see the message "PROTOSERVER INFO: New connection" in the hyperion logs but nothing happens.

    Any help?

    Thank you in advance,