Beiträge von Fietspomp

    This was a statement, using APA102 these settings work perfect for me!
    My setup BTW, HTPC running LibreElec with Lightberry HD connected directly to USB port, which operates an APA102 strip with 60LEDS/m behind my TV.

    EDIT: Found it here on the Lightberry website:

    USB Converter APA102
        "device": {
            "colorOrder": "bgr",
            "rate": 500000,
            "type": "adalightapa102",
            "name": "MyPi",
            "output": "/dev/ttyACM0"

    Also, if I choose APA102 as device, I get the following response:

    LEDDEVICE ERROR: Unknown/Unimplemented device apa102

    But that's a different story I think :)

    Hi, using Lightberry HD with APA102 LED strip, this is what I used in the config: