Beiträge von reijo

    not for now, I hope that in the future I can solve it, and I have a lot of test, also what @AmbiMod put in the above post that I forgot to answer (switch between NTSC and PAL) if you find another solution, or try something, I'm sure we can help each other and find a answer for make it work


    The lightberry order has arrived, I bought the grabber recommended by the user @AmbiMod , but the result is exactly the same, I only have a black screenshot, and the LEDs do not respond to the signals sent by the hdmi ... what else can I do? Why does not it work for me?Do I have to configure some other parameter that I do not know?Do I need some different hardware? I am open to any idea.

    Thank you very much.


    I am having problems when interacting with an external hdmi source, in kodi, the leds are synchronized perfectly.

    I can throw without errors the command to make a screenshot from an external hdmi source:

    As you can see the command returns a correct answer, but the result is a totally black screenshot.

    The scheme that I followed to assemble the system is as follows:

    This is what the lsusb command returns:

    The chip of the led stripe is APA102.

    My hadrware:

    And this is my hyperion config, I have deleted the code of leds and color so that the post is not very long.


    "device": {
    "colorOrder": "bgr",
    "rate": 500000,
    "type": "apa102",
    "name": "MyPi",
    "output": "/dev/spidev0.0"

    "blackborderdetector" :
    "enable" : true,
    "threshold" : 0.14

    "effects" :
    "paths" :

    "bootsequence" :
    "effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
    "duration_ms" : 3000

    "jsonServer" :
    "port" : 19444

    "protoServer" :
    "port" : 19445

    "grabber-v4l2" :
    "device" : "/dev/video0",
    "input" : 0,
    "standard" : "NTSC",
    "width" : 1,
    "height" : 1,
    "frameDecimation" : 1,
    "sizeDecimation" : 1,
    "priority" : 800,
    "mode" : "2D",
    "cropLeft" : 1,
    "cropRight" : 1,
    "cropTop" : 1,
    "cropBottom" : 1,
    "redSignalThreshold" : 0.4,
    "greenSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
    "blueSignalThreshold" : 0.3

    "endOfJson" : "endOfJson"

    I hope you can help me.
    Sorry for my bad english.