Beiträge von stulleman

    Unfortunately I'm not quite sure what the differences are.
    What I expected was that my Raspberry Pi Desktop would get ambilight.

    Later on I planned to put a HDMI splitter to use the TV video for ambilight.


    I got it to work with the SSH - Colorpicker.
    But it's not taking my screen color. The just stay off.

    I'm using Raspbian Jessi.

    When I try to take a screenshot:
    ssh out: sudo systemctl stop hyperion.service 2>/dev/null; sudo /etc/init.d/hyperion stop 2>/dev/null ; sudo /sbin/initctl stop hyperion 2>/dev/null
    ssh out: sudo systemctl stop hyperion.service 2>/dev/null; sudo /etc/init.d/hyperion stop 2>/dev/null ; sudo /sbin/initctl stop hyperion 2>/dev/null ; hyperion-v4l2 --device /dev/video0 --video-standard PAL --input 0 --width -1 --height -1 --crop-left 0 --crop-right 0 --crop-top 0 --crop-bottom 0 --size-decimator 1 --frame-decimator 2 --red-threshold 0.0 --green-threshold 0.0 --blue-threshold 0.0 --screenshot
    ssh in: hyperion-v4l2:
    ssh in: version : V1.03.0 (GitHub-b8f7642/c5d5f2d-1465599599
    ssh in: build time: Jun 11 2016 01:39:39
    ssh out: V4L2GRABBER ERROR: Cannot identify '/dev/video0' ERROR 2, No such file or directory
    sftp getFile(./screenshot.png, java.awt.Image)