Beiträge von jwjolly88

    Hello all, and sorry for the need to start a new thread over a subject that I'm sure has been touched on before, but I was unable to find anything that fully resolved my problem. I have a RasPi 2B+ with an ArdUno controlling a string of 167 WS2812B LEDS. I am running on OpenElec 6.0, and have thus far with my project installation run into little troubles. However, I have now reached the point where I am trying to pull screen caps via a USB grabber (STK1160 chipset, and verified that it is recognized via the lsusb comman). My LEDS are fully functional when controlled via mobile app, but are not illuminating otherwise, which makes me believe they are being passed nothing but "BLACK" as their desired color. Upon trying to take a screen shot through HyperCon I am given the message "No picture found check SSH Traffic. Stop Hyperion before you take a screenshot". When trying to take a screenshot via SHH I am flooded with "Frame too small: 82XXXXX !=829440. If I enable the internal grabber, after a very long wait I eventually get the image below. Any help would be appreciated. Also, please know that I am VERY new to RasPi/Linux, so help with commands would be appreciated. Thank you all for your help in advance

    JSON [MEDIA=pastebin]FRak9w2x[/MEDIA]

    Log from attempted HyperCon Screenshot

    ssh out: killall hyperiond 2>/dev/null ; /storage/hyperion/bin/ --device /dev/video0 --video-standard PAL --input 0 --width -1 --height -1 --crop-left 0 --crop-right 0 --crop-top 0 --crop-bottom 0 --size-decimator 1 --frame-decimator 2 --red-threshold 0.0 --green-threshold 0.0 --blue-threshold 0.0 --screenshot
    ssh out: sh: /storage/hyperion/bin/ not found
    sftp getFile(./screenshot.png, java.awt.Image)