Beiträge von p0lar

    This was my order.

    I missed that part. thanks for helping me figure this out. now to get some working LEDs :)

    Thanks again. maybe a good thing to add to your FAQ :)

    at the same time, i ordered these

    but decided to use the others and return these. I waited.. glad i didn't. ill swap them out ASAP

    Dave P

    Just added an Arduino MEGA between the LEDs and the Pi. uploaded the sketch changed NUM_LEDS 97 which is what I have and the RED color is still off....

    FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS); is also set.

    So I'm thinking that somewhere on the PI its doubling data somewhere???

    thoughts? are PWM LEDs just not working? should I get a different type?

    I tried that. it moved the red a bit more but not to the right of the screen.

    A few things I have noticed. the RED on the screen only takes about 6 inches. the RED LEDs are about 12 it's like its doubling the size of the RED for the image on the screen.

    also when I put a picture of ALL colors like a pinwheel it only shows the first few ALL the way around the screen then the rest of the colors come on.

    It's like it thinks there are 2x as many LEDs on my screen as there physically are maybe that's why the RED LEDs are twice the size of the image on the screen. you will see below that the blue/green comes on and FILLS the whole screen then the red/yellow does while whipping the blue off.

    I set the number of LED to 97 as the is how many I have.

    They are PWM WS2811 12V 30 LED/Meter

    maybe somewhere in the Hyperion code, it thinks I have 60 LEDs/Meter????? and that is why the LED colors are twice the image on the screen?

    I have double counted.
    33 Top
    30 bottom
    17 left/right

    that got the led 0 down to the lower right corner where its connected to the Pi

    the LEDs start in the lower right corner and go around counter-clockwise from there. 0 was in the bottom middle and I thought that i needed to change that

    My system is using WS2811 LEDs with 30 LEDs per meter. how do I tell Hyperion that I have 30 per meter VS 60? I have colors in the wrong place and it looks like it thinks there is 60 but only have 30... so the red is shifted

    My LEDs start as I face the TV from the front at the bottom left like in my picture. they go up and follow the tv screen around counter-clockwise. changing the LED checkbox to "LED Bottom Right" it doesn't change where they RED color is... the 0 LED is on the bottom right. these are WS2811s with 30 LED per peter and not WS2812b at 60 per meter.... maybe that why the RED is so far away..... hmmm how to make sure its set for WS2811's and not WS2812B's on to something maybe