Beiträge von DominicM

    Hmm. whats the [WIKI="Android Remote"]Android Remote app[/WIKI] do when trying to connect or control Hyperion.

    Can you post a Hyperion log?

    Forgot about the app, but still no luck. I see JSON connected in hyperiond log when app starts but nothing else.

    When I use HyperCon to connect via SSH and hit Get Log I only get this. Same if hyperiond is started or not.
    ssh out: sudo journalctl -u hyperion.service 2>/dev/null

    Running command manually from the terminal I get the following log:

    First 5 lines repeat ~20k times. btw, the hardcoded home dir is a bug in hyperiond. I have systemd service disabled since a couple of days ago and have been running hyperiond manually to see the log so that's expected. I don't see much difference between this log and what I get from hyperiond. Is there a way to specify any debug options when running hyperiond? Help page indicates that the only option is the config path.

    Also is it expected behavior for arduino to reset on hyperiond start and stop? I am assuming arduino is resetting as it runs the boot effect.

    That's just for testing, LED count shouldn't matter anyways. I tried both 115200 and 460800 (matches config) baud rate. ttyUSB0 is definitely correct as like I mentioned before I see data leds blinking on the ftdi programmer when I run hyperiond.

    Tried it now with the new code only changing the following:

    #define MAX_LEDS 50
    #define LED_PINS 2
    #define serialRate 115200

    Still the same issue, arduino boot sequence but not a different boot sequence set in hyperiond config or any other output. Any other ideas what could be causing this?

    In Kodi debug log I see only these messages relating to hyperion:

    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Reading settings
    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Entering disconnected state
    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Entering connected state
    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Entering error state
    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Entering disconnected state
    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Entering connected state
    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Entering error state
    DEBUG: ### [Hyperion Ambilight] - Entering disconnected state

    Connected/disconnected states correspond to pause/play, I also do see an error notif in Kodi sometimes but not 2 times like in the log.

    Nah, it's only 42", I just went with very dense LED strips, 144 per 1m. It will be bit less to leave room for wires. and it's a good thing as Arduino is running out of memory with 436 LEDs.

    Here is the Arduino code, I commented the magic word parts afterwards for troubleshooting:

    I am using WS2812b, the single data wire type.

    Config was generated by HyperCon: [MEDIA=pastebin]yuZuj7Eq[/MEDIA]

    Type values seem broken as WS2801 and few other types available in hyperCon throw an error in hyperiond complaining that type is not valid. Only with type: adalight could I even start hyperiond.

    I used exact arduino code from here:…-ws2801-ws2812b-apa102.8/

    Here is the output after running hyperiond: sudo hyperiond /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json

    I get a rainbow when arduino is reset AND when hyperiond is started or stopped. I do not however get a different boot effect if I set it in the hyperiond config so hyperiond isn't actually controlling arduino, it's just the default boot effect programmed in arduino. Serial data is being sent as I can see flashing TX/RX lights on the ftdi programmer connected to Arduino. If I stop hyperiond I get a notification in kodi from the Add-on. I also see "Switching to PAUSE" or "VIDEO mode" when I pause/resume in Kodi so it seems it is connected to the hyperiond service properly. It is also sending serial data so unless the date being sent is invalid in some way then it leave the issue with Arduino code.

    Should arduino code wait for the magic word? I tried commenting the wait section out but it did not make a difference. Maybe someone can see an issue with the code or provide a working sample?

    Why aren't the LEDs turning on? What am I missing?