Beiträge von Halog3n

    It seems that hypercon isnt sending anything to the device. This is all using OSMC os.

    when I try "sudo hyperiond status" I get

    Hyperion Ambilight Deamon (1185)
    Version : V1.03.1 (brindosch-bedd2e4/85fcec3-1468824277
    Build Time: Jul 24 2016 05:58:54
    ERROR: No valid config found

    Hypercon is showing these messages if they mean anything to ya.

    cd /tmp && wget -nv -N…r/bin/ && chmod +x && sudo sh ./ HyperConInstall ; rm
    ssh out: Last-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off.
    ssh out: 2016-07-24 18:16:56 URL:https://raw.githubusercontent.…r/bin/ [14491/14491] -> "" [1]
    ssh in: *******************************************************************************
    ssh in: This script will install/update Hyperion Ambient Light
    ssh in: Created by brindosch - - the official Hyperion source.
    ssh in: *******************************************************************************
    ssh in: ---> Stop Hyperion, if necessary
    ssh in: ---> Install/Update Hyperion dependencies (This may take a while)
    ssh in: ---> Downloading the appropriate Hyperion release
    ssh out: 2016-07-24 18:18:41 URL:http://superb-sea2.dl.sourcefo…hyperion_rpi2_osmc.tar.gz [1636641/1636641] -> "-" [1]
    ssh in: ---> Installing systemd script
    ssh in: ---> Modify systemd script for OSMC usage
    ssh in: ---> Starting Hyperion
    ssh in: *******************************************************************************
    ssh in: Hyperion Installation/Update finished!
    ssh in: Please download the latest HyperCon version to benefit from new features!
    ssh in: To create a config, follow the HyperCon Guide at our Wiki (EN/DE)!
    ssh in: Wiki: Webpage:
    ssh out: ./ 302: ./ service: not found
    ssh in: *******************************************************************************
    sftp Send Hyperion Config - Sourcepath: C:/Users/Steve/Documents/Hyperion, Targetpath: /etc/hyperion/, Filename: hyperion.config.json
    ssh out: sudo systemctl stop hyperion.service 2>/dev/null; sudo /etc/init.d/hyperion stop 2>/dev/null ; sudo /sbin/initctl stop hyperion 2>/dev/null
    ssh out: sudo systemctl start hyperion.service 2>/dev/null ; sudo /etc/init.d/hyperion start 2>/dev/null ; sudo /sbin/initctl start hyperion 2>/dev/null

    Sorry this is more software related than hardware now.

    Sorry I'm not well versed in this stuff, what exactly is a level shifter?

    I checked the SPI port and it's working. How do I check if anything is writing SPI data?

    The other difference with my setup is on the wiring diagram I didn't connect the GND and 5v on the end connection. Is there a reason to do that? I tested the strip and get 5v through the whole thing.

    Thanks for your help

    My APA102C is not working, does it have to do with the differences in apa102 vs apa102c?

    I get no response using APA102 on hypercon, but it flickers random colors on the WS2801 setting.

    It have plenty of power through the strip, and my connections are all soldered fine. DI, CI, and ground are in the right GPIO pins. I can't seem to figure out anything else I have wrong.