Beiträge von Braulio


    I love the effect Blue Mood Blobs and I'd like to have this effect on ESP32 connected to a led strip. ESP32 uses C language and I got the blobs effect code from Hyperion and I am converting to C. I am using an emulator to code and test it with an Arduino ( - See imagem attached.
    After long work I could convert the code but it's not working properly, current it just light the "blobs" in red only, but it is rolling through the strip, but only in red color, I believe something I converted wrong.
    Is anyone up to help me to figure out how to make it working correctly?
    The code is below.

    Here is the original code of the effect on Hyperion:…ter/effects/

    #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <math.h>

    #define PIN 11
    #define NUMPIXELS 60

    Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

    float rotationTime = 20;
    float hueChange = 60;
    float baseColorRangeLeft = 0; // Degree
    float baseColorRangeRight = 360; // Degree
    float baseColorChangeRate = 10; // Seconds for one Degree
    float baseColorChangeIncreaseValue;
    float hue;
    float sleepTime;
    float amplitudePhaseIncrement;
    float amplitudePhase;
    float baseHSVValue;
    float amplitude;
    float baseHsv[3];
    float rgb[3];

    int color[3] = {0,0,255};
    int blobs = int(5);
    int colorData[NUMPIXELS][3];
    int colorDataIncrement;
    int colors[NUMPIXELS][3];
    int baseColorChangeStepCount;
    float numberOfRotates;

    bool colorRandom = false;
    bool reverse = false;
    bool baseColorChange = false;
    bool fullColorWheelAvailable;
    bool rotateColors;

    void setColorLED();
    float *rgb_to_hsv(float r, float g, float b);
    float * hsv_to_rgb(float H, float S, float V);

    void setup() {
    // Get the parameters

    // switch baseColor change off if left and right are too close together to see a difference in color
    if ((baseColorRangeRight > baseColorRangeLeft && (baseColorRangeRight - baseColorRangeLeft) < 10) || (baseColorRangeLeft > baseColorRangeRight && ((baseColorRangeRight + 360) - baseColorRangeLeft) < 10)) {
    baseColorChange = false;

    // 360 -> 1
    fullColorWheelAvailable = fmod(baseColorRangeRight, 360) == fmod(baseColorRangeLeft, 360);
    baseColorChangeIncreaseValue = 1 / 360; // 1 degree
    hueChange /= 360.0;
    baseColorRangeLeft = (baseColorRangeLeft / 360.0);
    baseColorRangeRight = (baseColorRangeRight / 360.0);

    // Check parameters
    rotationTime = max(0.1, rotationTime);
    hueChange = max(0.0, min(abs(hueChange), .5));
    blobs = max(1, blobs);
    baseColorChangeRate = max(0, baseColorChangeRate); // > 0

    // Calculate the color data
    rgb_to_hsv(color[0]/255, color[1]/255, color[2]/255, baseHsv);
    if (colorRandom) {
    baseHsv[0] = random();
    baseHsv[1] = baseHsv[1];
    baseHsv[2] = baseHsv[2];

    //colorData = bytearray();
    // for i in range(hyperion.ledCount):
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    hue = fmodf((baseHsv[0] + hueChange * sin(2 * M_PI * i / NUMPIXELS)),1);
    hsv_to_rgb(hue, baseHsv[1], baseHsv[2], rgb);
    colorData[0] = rgb[0]*255;
    colorData[1] = rgb[1]*255;
    colorData[2] = rgb[2]*255;
    // Calculate the increments
    sleepTime = 0.1;
    amplitudePhaseIncrement = blobs * M_PI * sleepTime / rotationTime;
    colorDataIncrement = 3;
    baseColorChangeRate /= sleepTime;

    // Switch direction if needed
    if (reverse) {
    amplitudePhaseIncrement = -amplitudePhaseIncrement;
    colorDataIncrement = -colorDataIncrement;

    // create a Array for the colors
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    colors[0] = 0;
    colors[1] = 0;
    colors[2] = 0;

    // Start the write data loop
    amplitudePhase = 0.0;
    rotateColors = false;
    baseColorChangeStepCount = 0;
    baseHSVValue = baseHsv[0];
    numberOfRotates = 0;


    void loop() {

    // move the basecolor
    if (baseColorChange) {
    // every baseColorChangeRate seconds
    if (baseColorChangeStepCount >= baseColorChangeRate) {
    baseColorChangeStepCount = 0;
    // cyclic increment when the full colorwheel is available, move up and down otherwise
    if (fullColorWheelAvailable) {
    baseHSVValue = fmod((baseHSVValue + baseColorChangeIncreaseValue), baseColorRangeRight);
    } else {
    // switch increment direction if baseHSV <= left or baseHSV >= right
    if (baseColorChangeIncreaseValue < 0 && baseHSVValue > baseColorRangeLeft && (baseHSVValue + baseColorChangeIncreaseValue) <= baseColorRangeLeft) {
    baseColorChangeIncreaseValue = abs(baseColorChangeIncreaseValue);
    } else {
    if (baseColorChangeIncreaseValue > 0 && baseHSVValue < baseColorRangeRight && (baseHSVValue + baseColorChangeIncreaseValue) >= baseColorRangeRight) {
    baseColorChangeIncreaseValue = -abs(baseColorChangeIncreaseValue);
    baseHSVValue = fmod((baseHSVValue + baseColorChangeIncreaseValue), 1);
    // update color values
    //colorData = bytearray();
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    hue = fmod((baseHSVValue + hueChange * sin(2*M_PI * i / NUMPIXELS)), 1);
    hsv_to_rgb(hue, baseHsv[1], baseHsv[2], rgb);
    colorData[0] = rgb[0] * 255;
    [1] = rgb[1] * 255;
    colorData[i][2] = rgb[2] * 255;
    // set correct rotation after reinitialisation of the array
    //colorData = colorData[-colorDataIncrement*numberOfRotates:] + colorData[:-colorDataIncrement*numberOfRotates];
    //colorData = colorData[-colorDataIncrement*numberOfRotates] + colorData[-colorDataIncrement*numberOfRotates];
    baseColorChangeStepCount += 1;
    // Calculate new colors
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    amplitude = max(0.0, sin(-amplitudePhase + 2*M_PI * blobs * i / NUMPIXELS));
    colors[i][0] = int(colorData[i][0] * amplitude);
    colors[i][1] = int(colorData[i][1] * amplitude);
    colors[i][2] = int(colorData[i][2] * amplitude);
    // set colors
    // increment the phase
    amplitudePhase = fmod((amplitudePhase + amplitudePhaseIncrement), (2*M_PI));

    if (rotateColors) {
    //colorData = colorData[-colorDataIncrement:] + colorData[:-colorDataIncrement]; //// NEED TO CHANGE, BUT I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THIS LINE
    numberOfRotates = fmod((numberOfRotates + 1), NUMPIXELS);
    rotateColors = not rotateColors;
    baseColorChange = not baseColorChange;
    // sleep for a while

    void setColorLED() {
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
    pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2]));

    void rgb_to_hsv(float r, float g, float b, float *base) {
    float min, max, delta;

    float hsv[3];
    float h, s, v;

    min = r < g ? r : g;
    min = min < b ? min : b;

    max = r > g ? r : g;
    max = max > b ? max : b;

    v = max; // v
    delta = max - min;
    if (delta < 0.00001)
    s = 0;
    h = 0; // undefined, maybe nan?
    base[0] = h;
    base[1] = s;
    base[2] = v;
    //return hsv;
    if( max > 0.0 ) { // NOTE: if Max is == 0, this divide would cause a crash
    s = (delta / max); // s
    } else {
    // if max is 0, then r = g = b = 0
    // s = 0, h is undefined
    s = 0.0;
    h = NAN; // its now undefined
    base[0] = h;
    base[1] = s;
    base[2] = v;
    //return hsv;
    if( r >= max ) // > is bogus, just keeps compilor happy
    h = ( g - b ) / delta; // between yellow & magenta
    if( g >= max )
    h = 2.0 + ( b - r ) / delta; // between cyan & yellow
    h = 4.0 + ( r - g ) / delta; // between magenta & cyan

    h *= 60.0; // degrees

    if( h < 0.0 )
    h += 360.0;

    base[0] = h;
    base[1] = s;
    base[2] = v;
    //return hsv;

    void hsv_to_rgb(float H, float S, float V, float *base) {
    float hh, p, q, t, ff;
    float i;
    float Rs, Gs, Bs;
    float nRgb[3];

    if(S <= 0.0) { // < is bogus, just shuts up warnings
    Rs = V;
    Gs = V;
    Bs = V;
    base[0] = Rs;
    base[1] = Gs;
    base[2] = Bs;
    hh = H;
    if(hh >= 360.0) hh = 0.0;
    hh /= 60.0;
    i = (float)hh;
    ff = hh - i;
    p = V * (1.0 - S);
    q = V * (1.0 - (S * ff));
    t = V * (1.0 - (S * (1.0 - ff)));

    switch((int)i) {
    case 0:
    Rs = V;
    Gs = t;
    Bs = p;
    case 1:
    Rs = q;
    Gs = V;
    Bs = p;
    case 2:
    Rs = p;
    Gs = V;
    Bs = t;

    case 3:
    Rs = p;
    Gs = q;
    Bs = V;
    case 4:
    Rs = t;
    Gs = p;
    Bs = V;
    case 5:
    Rs = V;
    Gs = p;
    Bs = q;

    base[0] = Rs;
    base[1] = Gs;
    base[2] = Bs;


    Hello guys!

    Is there a way that I could integrate Google Assistant to change the color effects or even a color? For example "Hey Google, change Hyperion to Blue". I Haven't found something like that here on forum, just one case of a guy that integrated Kodi, but this is different..
    I guess, basically, if the Hyperion has a "port" or like an API to receive a commands, I can build an applet to send this command and integrate to Google Assistant. It's like the cell phone app, when I click on a color or color effect, it somehow sends a command to the connected hyperion.

    I guess guys, I will give up, maybe for a while.. I installed docker on Ubuntu and when I run on docker it says the version of cmake need to be 3.0.0 or higher, but it's already higher (3.10.2)

    I guess Linux doesn't like me :crying:

    So.. I download on my raspberry and compiled it. When I run I get this message:

    This script will install/update Hyperion Ambient Light
    Created by brindosch - - the official Hyperion source.
    ---> Critical Error: CPU information does not match any known releases -> abort

    I will do the virtualbox stuff and see what happens...

    i really dont know why you guys struggelin that much with virtualboxes and dockers the code from githubm and compile it directly on the rpi... its so easy...

    Hello @TPmodding!

    That's what I did before, but after installing it does not create a Service to run automatically when boot. I tried to find a way to create or setup this service but no success. So now this time I will try to compile through VirtualBox and try to do what guys did.
    If not work, I will try again to compile directly (with OS reinstalled) and see what happen again..
    I wish it was easy..

    I had no problems running the build script.
    That said, it was in a Oracle VM VirtualBox running Ubuntu 18.04 with docker installed.
    This was all done from my windows box.
    It put all the needed install packages in the deploy folder.

    Hi Akriss!
    I downloaded Virtualbox and installed Ubuntu last night, tonight I will try to compile and see what happens. Hope it will work!

    With a docker installed, I ran the wget command (last post) and now it shows this:

    ---> Startup docker...
    Unable to find image 'hyperionorg/hyperion-ci:armv7h' locally
    docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for hyperionorg/hyperion-ci:armv7h not found.
    See 'docker run --help'.
    ---> Hyperion compilation failed! Abort

    I also tried run manually docker hyperion and I get the same error, even if there is the image available...

    Hello @bnealon!

    So, I formated my raspberry pi and restarted all over. This time I installed Raspian and I will try to install and run Hyperion.NG on that.
    I installed Docker and executed the command below:

    wget -qN…scripts/ && chmod +x *.sh && ./ -t cross-qemu-rpistretch

    After many minutes, I see now a folder hyperion on my home and a file called

    Now, I didn't understand what to do... You said to run the cross-compile from the instructions from the link but I got lost..
    So, after I ran that wget command, what should I do?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Hi @bnealon !

    I am thinking here, I guess I will format my RaspberryPi and startover again but now using docker.
    Thanks for sharing the explanation and also the link about docker